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Friday, September 18, 2009

Why are pirates called pirates? They just arrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Arrrrr me hearties! Stow the hatches and grab ‘yer mates for a grand ole' time! Saturday rings in the 8th annual International Talk like a Pirate Day. Here are our top ten tips for helping you unleash your inner buccaneer.

Become immersed in pirate language. Go to your Google preferences page and switch your default language to “Pirate”. Back in 2008, Google realised that our products were not accessible to a large, influential and notoriously quick-tempered community - pirates! We quickly remedied this with the “Pirate” language option. Then check out the “Google Searrrch” or the “I Be Feelin’ Lucky” buttons. If you get good enough at navigating around in 'Pirate', one day you might graduate to this special keyboard.

Find a mentor. Watch or re-watch Pirates of the Caribbean for a bit of Jack Sparrow inspiration. Johnny Depp’s infamous character takes you on a cursed adventure through the high seas - a great way to get in the mood. Check out the search spikes among Australians when the two Pirates of the Caribbean movies came out.

Get a name. Be creative and remember a name is nothing without an act! So get your accent on Red Beard, and find your very own pirate name.

Assemble a crew. A pirate without a crew is a lonely man. Nothing but a scurrvy dog. Gather like-minded scallywags to support your adventures.

Look the part. Get yourself an eye-patch, a bandana, a plastic sword or even a toy parrot. In order to be the part, you have to look the part. Ripped shorts are a must, and a dirty mop is a great accessory to any pirate outfit.

Learn phrases. Speak the part by using phrases such as “Shiver me timbers!” and “Heave ho me hearties!” Here is your first talk like a pirate lesson.

And, never enunciate them. “You are” and “he is” are not words you will ever hear from a pirate. They mutter and slur their words together. In fact, they often say things that make no sense at all, but they always say it with the utmost conviction - like "Me'n'these here scurvy drivelswiggers drug our sorry keesters out t'th' 'orlop and had us a grand adventarrrrr!"

Embellish. True pirates are larger than life, so embellish at will. A pirate’s whale-of-a-tale is never tall enough! It’s the one day a year that the fish really was that larrrge.

Drink up. Why not try some of your very own drink ideas? Pirate punch, anyone? In a large bowl, mix 1 part pineapple juice, 1 part orange juice concentrate, 2 parts lemonade. All that citrus will help you fight off the scurrvy.

Growl and scowl often. Pirates have seen it all and they are not cultured or graceful. Here 'arr a few examples.

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