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Monday, October 12, 2009

Mortage interest rates

Mortgage rates continue to go down. Best rates I have seen this week: variable open mortgages at prime (2.25%) plus 0.6, variable closed mortgages at prime and 5 year fixed rate at 3.69%. When investigating what mortgage conditions institutions offer you also enquire after what acceleration of payments is permitted without penalty, ask about costs in case of early paying off of the mortgage and conversion costs in case of a variable mortgage. I personally discovered recently that there is a big difference in costs between banks.
Australia increased its prime rate by .25% this week and was the first country to do so since the economic downturn. The US dollar is depreciating against the Canadian dollar - it is reported that it may be necessay to increase the prime rate in Canada if this trend continues.
I am a Realtor, not a mortgage expert and the information above is just a personal observation. For expert advice contact a mortgage broker or consultant. Several mortgage experts are listed under "mortgage" on my website www.christinelouw.com.

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