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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Promote your videos on YouTube and across the Web

There are now 20 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, which means it's no easy task to find the right audience for your video. How does a new band build a fan base and get buzz for their new single? Or how can a top brand test the effectiveness of new ad creative on YouTube? Not every business or video creator can rely on the word-of-mouth that turned Nike's video of Kobe Bryant jumping over an Aston Martin into a worldwide sensation. Sometimes people need a little help discovering what's new and relevant to them.

Today we're launching Promoted Videos, a way to place your video on related pages on YouTube and across the web. It's an advertising program that anyone - from an everyday user to a major brand advertiser - can use to help people discover their video. Promoted Videos will help you find a relevant audience wherever they are on the web, whether it's searching or watching videos on YouTube or browsing across Google's network of publisher sites.

Like Google AdWords, Promoted Video campaigns are targeted by keyword and priced on a cost-per-click basis. Starting today, you can also buy Promoted Videos directly in AdWords, which means it's easier than ever to run your campaigns and drive traffic to your videos. You can place your bids, select where you'd like your videos to appear (on relevant YouTube search results pages, video watch pages, and Google's publisher network), and set daily spending budgets all within the AdWords interface. Our aim is to provide a single destination for your overall Google ad buy, as well as give YouTube advertisers new to AdWords access to additional campaign tools.

We know that many of you want your viewers to visit your website after watching your video, so we've built Call-to-Action overlays into Promoted Videos. Advertisers will be able to add a clickable overlay to their Promoted Videos, allowing them to drive viewers to a website off YouTube. This means you can track the performance of your video and whether your viewers are converting into customers.

We hope that Australian partners of all sizes will take full advantage of this opportunity to grow their audience here and around the world.
Visit adwords.google.com.au to get started today or sign up for a webinar to learn more.

Jay Akkad & Matthew Liu, YouTube Product Managers

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