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Saturday, May 8, 2010

How to Make BIG profits Investing in Tax Liens

How you can Easily Make BIG profits with Tax Liens, One of the HOTEST investing strategies in today’s Real Estate Market...
As we all know, there are several big money investing strategies when it comes to Real Estate.
With rising interest rates and economic hardship, one of the strategies Investors are using to make big money in this market is Tax Lien Certificates. How it works.... if a homeowner falls behind on their property tax payments, which is currently happening all over the country, you have the opportunity to come in and pay off the back taxes (generally for not a lot of money) and make a great return on your money, and if the homeowner is unable to repay, you can acquire the property for pennies on the dollar!
Tax Liens and Tax Liens Certificates
Shockingly, there are certain individuals that do not like to pay their real estate property taxes. (hard to believe, right?).
The non-payment of taxes creates a serious cashflow problem for local governments because they count on the money from property taxes to supply vital services like police, schools, and new roads to their local communities. So when people don’t pay, it puts them in a bind.
Tax Liens solve this problem, by creating a win-win situation. By issuing a tax lien certificate, the agency needing the money from property taxes gets paid right away when you invest in a tax lien. In exchange for paying the taxes you will receive the government’s lien for taxes. Basically, you get the governments claim on the property for the delinquent taxes.
The Government wins because they get money now and can pay their bills, and you as the Investor win because you’re in possession of a certificate that entitles you to certain benefits…
Benefits of Tax Lien Certificates
Why would an investor want to invest in tax liens? Because when you buy a Tax Lien certificate you get some incredible benefits:
1) First, you get paid fantastic interest on your money. Not only is the taxpayer obligated to repay you in full, but on top of that they have to pay you interest on your money. This can be a great source of cash flow because depending on state laws and competition, tax sale investors can make returns anywhere from 15-45%! That’s a GREAT return on your money!!
2) On top of making great cashflow, if the property owner can not repay the money, you have the right to acquire the property for Pennies on the dollar! Since tax lien certificates are secured by real estate, if you as the investor do not get all your money back plus interest and/or penalties you (as a lien holder) have the right to acquire the property. Generally the foreclosure of a real estate tax lien will extinguish all junior liens including mortgages. Thus providing you with free and clear ownership of the property for pennies on the dollar!
This is why so many investors are making a killing in tax lien certificates. They've either got a chance to earn a high rate of interest on their investment (15-45%) or they've got an opportunity to buy a home at a fraction of its market value.
Finding Tax Liens to Invest in
If you're interested in finding tax lien information, here are a few links to do state-wide searches of county or federal tax liens and where you can access online tax lien information - both federal and county - for that state:
California: http://www.sos.ca.gov/business/ucc/
Hawaii: https://boc.ehawaii.gov/docsearch/nameSearch.html;jsessionid=3F5A44F36C8F7E0E7835BFA0A76759EE.kolea
Florida: http://www.sunbiz.org/lienlis.html
To learn how to make serious money investing in Tax Liens, I highly recommend the following course: Make Easy Money in Tax Leins - Click Here!


Oliver Graf

Real Estate Expert

Follow me on Twitter: Twitter.com/OliverGraf360

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