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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Assessment of lot value by BC Assessment Authority and appeals

Attended a session of the Appeal Board against property assessments by the BC Assessment Authority.

Was surprised to note that when assessing the value of a lot the determining factor for the BC Assessment Authority is the maximum square footage of the improvements that can be built on the lot whereas very little value is ascribed to the size of the usable part of the lot. This distinction is important in case of lots on steep hills or with a creek running through the lot where the larger lot size allows for a larger home but with little usable yard. How can the BC Assessment Authority deny that the market value of a lot is affected when the majority of the lot is not usable because mountaineering equipment is required to reach the other side of the lot?

Another surprise is that the Appeal Board is not authorized to compare past assessments to the latest assessment - so if the assessment of many of the neighbours' lots went down by $200K compared to the previous assessment and the assessment of the subject lot did not,this is not a reason for adjusting the subject lot's assessment. Expect a follow-up in April/May.

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