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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chicago Climate Action Plan

From the start, the charge and scope of the Chicago Climate Task Force was broad and ambitious. Dozens of experts and a nationally recognized research advisor committee took part in discussions. Leading scientists were consulted to describe various scenarios for Chicago’s climate future and how these would impact life in the city.

The results of the research are both serious and encouraging. They clearly demonstrate that our current trajectory poses risks to our economy and health. They demonstrate that we need to act now to reduce our emissions, while preparing for climate changes that cannot be avoided. We face a big challenge – but we have also been granted a big opportunity. Every Chicago resident and businesshas a role to play in implenting the Chicago Climate Action Plan, which will not only ensure a more liveable climate for the world, but also for the city. The economy and quality of life could improve. Jobs could be created. New technologies will emerge.

The Chicago Climate Action Plan outlines five strategies, which are broken into 26 actions for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and nine actions to prepare for climate change. The Chicago Climate Action Plan details steps for organizations of all kinds and suggests actions for every individual. The Plan is a snapshot in time -- the actions detailed in the Strategies section draw on current technology and options now available in the market. As new technologies and options emerge, actions may change. The goal, however, remains the same: to reduce our emissions and prepare for change.

On September 18, Mayor Richard M. Daley, joined by businesses, foundations and residents, unveiled the Chicago Climate Action Plan, an outline of bold ideas that could help expand on the City's successes to slow the effects of climate change. Mayor Daley also discussed how City, businesses, residents will play a major role.

Check out the Action Plan

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