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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Listing in Gulf Shores / Fort Morgan area

Friday, August 22, 2008

Soft, Smooth and Shiny Hair in a Flash

emo girl hair
Having soft, smooth, and shiny hair does not have to be difficult and expensive. Just follow these few simple steps and you will have beautiful and luxurious emo hair in no time.

First, brush your hair several times a day. Brushing helps remove the dirt, dust, and grime that get trapped in your hair. It also helps distribute the natural oils produced by the scalp, from the roots to the tips.

Shampoo your hair every other day and condition it everyday. Shampooing on a daily basis may strip off the natural oils that moisturize the hair. Conditioning it, on the other hand, restores lost moisture and keeps the natural oils in place.

Use cold water as much as possible when washing your hair. This seals the hair cuticles and locks the conditioner as close to the hair follicle as possible.

Give your hair a hot oil treatment once every two weeks. Mayonnaise or egg yolks can be used as an alternative to expensive salon treatments. Spread mayonnaise or egg yolks combined with olive oil all over your hair, concentrating on the ends. Cover your hair with a shower cap for 10-20 mins and then rinse well.

Eat lots of food rich in B-vitamins and proteins, like bananas, soybeans, avocados, eggs, grains, and red meat. The nutrients found in these food items are responsible for healthy and shiny hair.

Refrain from using heated styling tools and alcohol-based styling products as much as possible, as this can easily dry out your hair. If it cannot be avoided, use thermal styling tools and water-based styling products, which cause less damage to the hair.

Lastly, have your hair trimmed every six weeks to keep it in tip-top shape. This gets rid of the dry ends and keeps the rest of the hair looking good and healthy.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Design Interior Living Room

When you want to make your home look nice in decoration model or design, try to make your living room more comfortable as you wish. To make this easier, it is important to have a simple plan to follow each time you feel like changing everything around. Here’s some tips on how to build your decor so you can change it at any time, without having to spend a bundle of money.

  • Backdrop the living room in pretty neutral design

  • Start with a neutral palate if you want to change the look of your living room.
    No need to keep all of the walls white and the couch cream colored, better to keep them in the pretty neutral design. There are many color you can choose to paint the walls of your living room such as white and the couch cream, or choose browns or greens if you want color, but avoid anything to bright or flashy. As long as you stay away from patterns however, you should be able to have several different choices for your decor.

    If you keep the big things like furniture, walls and flooring in neutral tones, you’ll be able to change out the theme of your living room interior decor by adding accessories like rugs, pillows and wall art in the colors that you want. Another great ideas for sofas and chairs is to buy slipcovers - you can actually buy furniture that is meant to be slip covered, then simply get new slipcovers to go with whatever decorating plan you have in mind for the season!

  • Design your living room with accessories

  • When you have a neutral palate in your living room design, you can change the way your room looks just by replacing a few basic items. For instance, you should only need to change your curtains, pillows, and a few room accessories when you get the urge to switch things around. You can add sheer curtains, flowered pillows, and a vase of fresh flowers for a quick change if you want your living room interior decorating to be a little lighter for spring.

    Especially for a warm winter look, bring in deep reds, golds and greens in heavy fabrics like velvets and chenille’s. try some oriental rugs on the floor and oil paintings on the walls. Adding some candelabras and candle holders around the room will help to give it a cozy look.

  • The arrangement of room light

  • Prepare all your new lights or use lights that have neutral bases and change the shades out depending on the look you are going for. While track lighting and chandeliers can’t be changed easily, you can change out your lighting to go with your living room interior decorating plan. If need a fresh look for spring? You can use plain white shades. But if you want to design your living room like a safari look, Get shades in an animal print. How about a romantic look? Try putting on shades that have a floral print with some dankly fringe. Well, You’ll be surprised how much changing the shades can transform a lamp.

    If you love to keep your living room interior decorating plan flexible, you must be sure you never commit to something difficult to work with, such as a patterned couch or a bright chair. Don’t be afraid of color, but add it to your room with accessories that can be replaced when you want something a little different. It really doesn’t take a lot of money to get a new look, just a little creativity.

    Tylers' Haistyling Tips

    emoboy - hair
    emoboy hair
    As far as what i do to style it, for the old haircut (1st pic) I used to comb it all down and straighten it in front of my face, then comb it kind of over my right eye and with the other bang to he left side and re-straighten it in its new position (thick wavy hair doesn't like to cooperate) Then for spiking out the back when the mood struck me, i'd kind of run my fingers up the back of my head and pull out the water after a shower to sort of sudo-dry it in that position already, then when straightening came i'd straighten it straight up, and finally I'd add some texturizer and run my hands up through the back and pull out ward, we have a closet in my house where you can see behind you so i'd usually use that to check for missed spots, don't add too much or it'll fall down, then usually once i got it staying nice and up I'd use the left over Texturizer on my hair to smooth it out and kind of hold it in place, my hair is thick so i'd basically pancake my bang between my palms and smoothen it out. then add a bit of hairspray to the back to hold it in place.

    For my new hair I'm still experimenting The back is cut so I can spike it out But I've decided to go with wax to spike it which i'm still experimenting with (hence why i have no pictures of that) If you have really long hair i'd suggest some type of wax, simply because it has structure and seems less like lethal spikes than gel, and texturizer would barely help and you'd be holding everything up with hairspray alone otherwise. However it would be a similar idea, running your waxed fingers through you're hair and pulling outwards to make all of the hair stand up, for the front and sides, i pretty much just straighten them and add a bit of texturizer to hold them in place or Depp anti-frizz depending how staticy my hair is. For the bangs I simply straighten everything out and comb it into place so it blends nicely. once it grows a bit further i'll be able to do a fore head showing part but at the moment it doesn't work out to well.

    So there is what i did for my old hair and what i do for my new haircut... theres actually a story behind my old haircut and the transitions it underwent before i got it as i liked it..then lobed half of it off lol.


    Webinars For Those Too Busy For Seminars

    Ever sat in a seminar or conference and thought how much better it would be if you could learn all of the material being presented without being physically there?

    Well, we've started holding webinars for our advertisers, to provide further information and training in how to make the most of AdWords (Google’s online advertising program), which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own armchair (or, more likely, your desk).

    Our first webinar, "Introduction to Optimisation" was held in June, and saw hundreds of advertisers sign up. (Optimisation refers to the ability to make changes to your keywords, ad text and account structure in order to maximise the effectiveness of your online advertising). Advertisers heard from one of our local optimisation experts who presented tips and tricks for making online advertising campaigns perform better. Two of our AdWords team members were also on hand to respond to advertiser questions via chat throughout the webinar.

    If you're interested in our upcoming webinars on all sorts of advertising-related topics such as Analytics, AdWords Editor and other AdWords topics, click here for a calendar of events.  

    Sunday, August 17, 2008

    emo boy

    emo boy

    This emo boy has the most awesome hair. Agree?

    Wednesday, August 13, 2008

    Offset cost of Post secondary Education

    Over the next few weeks students will be returning to school. Our colleges and universities will once again be filled to the max with full and part time students, many of which will be living away from home or traveling a good distance in order to attend the school of their choosing.

    The cost of a post secondary education is a heavy hit, even more so when coupled with the high cost of student living accommodations. The monthly rates landlords charge for rental housing in proximity to colleges and Universities is exorbitant as they take full advantage of the great demand and limited supply.

    Something I advocate to those faced with the prospects of a son or daughter living away from home in order to go to school is why would you make the choice to pay rent for three, two or even one year when it is possible for your budding scholar to live rent free and to even cover some or all of tuition costs by having the prudence to buy?

    Scenario one - renting:
    Rental costs in Barrie's Georgian College area for just a room in a house will run about $600 to $800 per month. Over three years that comes to roughly $21000 to $29000 spent just on rent.

    Scenario two - Buying:
    Go to your bank or mortgage broker and arrange a $10,000 to $20,000 secured line of credit against the family home. Put it down on a 4 bedroom home or town home in proximity to the school they will be attending. At todays prices properties can still be had for $225000 to $250000 in the area of Georgian College.

    Rent out three of the rooms to students going to school with your own son or daughter. Have the parents on the lease to better insure rents will be paid.
    If you rent three rooms for $600 per month that provides you a gross income of $1800 per month, the proceeds of which can be put towards the monthly mortgage payments. ($230000 minus $10000 down equals a $220000 mortgage. At todays variable rate of 4.75% over 35 years your monthly payments will be $1069.09). With that rental income there is enough cash flow to make mortgage payments with still a few hundred dollars left over each month to cover utility costs. Your own son or daughter lives rent free.

    At the end of year three the rental income will have paid out about $8000 in principal on the mortgage, provided you $26,000 in addition to the monthly mortgage payments and when added to the increase in property value over that time, you have built yourself a tidy profit while having the assurance that your son or daughter was living in a good home and benefited from the responsibility you entrusted them with to oversee the property. When they move on from school you have the choice to sell or continue on having an investment property.

    If you have sons or daughters who will be entering college or University this advice could be the best financial advice you will hear.

    If you want to discuss the possibilities this idea could hold in your particular situation call or email me and together we will determine what works best for your needs.

    Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    Googlers search for the finishing line

    Getting up early on Sundays is practically taboo for most Australians. Getting up early on Sunday to jog 14km is almost unheard of. So when the annual Sun Herald City2Surf marathon attracts a crowd of 70,000 enthusiastic participants, it’s quite clear that Sydneysiders are more than happy to break a few rules in the name of charity.

    This year our very own team of Googlers and their families took to the start line at 9am, ready to tackle Heartbreak Hill, dodge crowd-pleasers in fancy dress and make it to the finish line without a single stain of yellow Gatorade on their shirts. From Engineering, to Sales and Marketing, there was healthy representation from almost every Google team. Nikolai Pitchforth, Senior Industry Analyst for our Travel team, finished in just under an hour, while others such as myself walked a steady pace, reaching Bondi Beach in double that time.

    (You can see the route we all travelled here on Google Maps or with our Street View flipbook video).

    So whether you walked, danced, jogged or ran on the day, your participation helped to support many great causes and community projects. Congratulations to all who entered and good luck in your recovery over the next week!

    Google Team get ready for a cold start

    Left to right: Patrice McCauley, Gabriella Scott, Angela Lawrence

    Rob Schonberger secures his spot at the Start Line:

    :: ICE - In case of Emergency ::

    The ICE number campaign is quickly spreading across Canada, the US and many other countries. Many are describing it as a great way for first responders and others to contact family or friends in the event of an emergency. The concept is simple: cell phone users create a new ICE entry in their cell phone address book. The number entered is that of their next-of-kin or friend who should be contacted in the event that the owner is incapacitated.

    When a first responder, emergency professional or doctor needs medical information or to contact the family, the idea is to look in the patient's cell phone for the ICE contact. the idea originated in the UK as part of Vodafone's "Life Savers Awards" and was popularized by the recent London terror acts. Given the number of cell phone subscribers and decreasing number of people carrying next-of-kin information on their person, the idea is an interesting one.

    The danger is assuming first responders will be taking on this added responsibility.Their primary role is to treat and transport the patient to the hospital safely and efficiently. Once the patient has been stabilized and is en-route the hospital, the ICE number can be sought and dialed. A hospital staff member may also perform this function once the situation is under control and the patient is stable.

    The ICE movement is out there and growing.Agree or disagree, it is an effective means to communicate emergency contact information and yet another way modern technology is helping us communicate in times of need.

    July 2008 MLS Trends and Statistics

    Our monthly tabulation and analysis of the local MLS statistics from Mobile and Baldwin County have been posted to our Active Rain blog.

    Here is link to view:

    Monday, August 11, 2008

    Keeping up with the Summer Games

    Now that the Games are underway, we're happy to present the 2008 Summer Games on Google, a site featuring a number of Google products to help you stay updated on happenings. Whether you're cheering for Australia, or living, working, or traveling here and supporting your home country, the gadget is available in 31 languages.

    We collaborated with a data provider to make it easy for you to keep current on event schedules and get updates on results, as well as track medal counts with an iGoogle gadget. You can also get schedules and results right on the Google homepage. (Check out the results for swimming). 

    We're also including the newest Summer Games highlights through Google News. The Summer Games on Google Maps lets you view medal and event information based on your favourite regions and sports. Read more about these efforts on the Lat Long Blog.

    Also, be sure to check out this collection of 3D stadiums and venues created with Google SketchUp. And since we know many of you are often on the go, all this information is available for mobile devices, where Google Mobile is available.

    We hope these tools make it easy and enjoyable for you to follow all the action at the Summer Games.

    Wednesday, August 6, 2008

    Street View: the view from Day 2

    I suspect I'm not alone in admitting that I spent quite a while using Street View to look up some of my favourite spots in Australia yesterday. I first checked out my neighbourhood in Sydney and then took some time traveling down "memory lane" looking at some of the places I've lived and visited. It was the first time I could share street-level panoramic imagery from Australia with my friends who live overseas.

    It was almost overwhelming to see the excitement and interest in Street View from people in every State and Territory yesterday. We've heard from lots of Australians who checked it out - both here and abroad. We've also heard from people overseas who are already scoping out their next holiday destinations here in Australia -- from Airlie Beach to Exmouth and many places in between.

    Some of you have asked "when will imagery for my street, my neighbourhood, or my town be available on Street View?" Although the coverage of Australia is extremely comprehensive, rest assured; we are absolutely continuing to add more areas and new public roads throughout Australia so keep your eyes peeled.

    Speaking of which, we were thrilled that one of our users found the first ever "Street View Kangaroos":

    View Larger Map

    Lots of Australian users and businesses are already using Street View in important ways.

    We knew property seekers would be thrilled at the ability to use Street View when looking to buy or rent, but within a matter of hours following the feature's availability, the real-estate website, Domain.com.au, integrated Street View into all their property listings across the country. Now, when you look up homes or apartments at domain.com.au, you can walk down the street and see your new neighbourhood.

    Google and the Sun-Herald City2Surf have also launched a "flipbook" video using still images from Street View to create a video of the race route, which takes place in Sydney this Sunday (10 August 2008). This is the first time in the world that a fun run has made a video of its course using Street View images. Runners can visualise the route and spectators can find the best vantage point in Sydney to cheer on their friends, co-workers and relatives. And please remember to donate and support the runners!

    As a reminder, while Street View contains views from public roads, if you identify any imagery you consider sensitive or inappropriate, you can easily flag it for removal by clicking on "Street View Help" in any Street View window.

    To all of you -- those who are long-time users of Google Maps and those who've discovered Google Maps for the first time -- thanks for your excitement and interest. Hope you continue to enjoy your journeys across Australia.

    Tuesday, August 5, 2008

    View Australia like never before

    Ever since Google Maps was first developed right here in Sydney, those of us at Google Australia are excited by its continued developments. Today, we're really pleased to introduce Street View for Australia, a feature which enables you to view and navigate 360-degree street-level imagery of public roads in Australia, from the CBD to the outback, from Geraldton to Coffs Harbour.

    Check out the Street View page with introductory videos and tips here.

    Below is a slideshow of Street View images from around Australia. 

    We're particularly excited that Australia is one of the first countries to launch Street View and to do so with such extensive coverage.

    Whether you're checking out a restaurant before arriving in Cairns, working on a classroom project about Alice Springs, making travel plans to Adelaide, showing customers your business in Bondi, finding a holiday home in Bunbury, or arranging a meeting point with friends in St Kilda, Street View has a myriad of great uses.

    Many Australian organisations - including Tourism Australia, the Real Estate Institute of Australia and the Australian Geography Teachers Association - have already identified significant opportunities for Street View to be used in travel, tourism, house buying and renting, education and helping make small businesses easier to find.

    It's important to stress that we have gone to great lengths to safeguard privacy while enabling all Australians to benefit from this feature.

    Street View only contains imagery that is already visible by anyone from public roads. And of course, none of the imagery is "real time". In addition, Street View features technology that blurs identifiable faces and vehicle license plates are unidentifiable. If you consider that Street View contains imagery that you consider sensitive or inappropriate, you can easily flag it for removal by clicking on "Street View Help" in any Street View window. We have consulted extensively and worked closely with many privacy and community groups in developing the Street View feature and privacy safeguards.

    As you try out the feature for yourself on Google Maps, we hope you enjoy your journeys as you explore, learn about, and share our beautiful country in a way that's old and yet new -- with a street view.

    Sunday, August 3, 2008

    State's Housing market Declines

    New statistics were reported for the Alabama housing market in today's Tuscaloosa News. Overall for the state the number of sales declined 24 percent in the second quarter of 2008 as compared to the second quarter of 2007. Here is link to the story - http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/article/20080801/NEWS/783335463/1228/NEWS&title=State_s_housing_market_declines

    Based on the statistics we gathered from the Gulf Coast MLS and Baldwin County Association of Realtors MLS, there was a decline in the 2 southern counties of Alabama as well. However, the decline was not to the level we saw for the whole state. In Mobile County we saw a decrease of 16 percent in sales for the same period. The median sales price of home in Mobile decrease 1.29% in the second quarter of 2008. In Baldwin County, sales decrease by 20% and median sales price decreased 5.92%

    Friday, August 1, 2008

    :: The Barrie Real Estate Report is ready to go ::

    Wow, I have just completed and sent the first monthly addition of my new online news letter, "Barrie Real Estate Report". It has been a few years since I have had a news letter. The last one I had was a lazy ass canned product produced in the U.S. that Realtors bought and had sent it out automatically.

    The main problem with that was it was an American product and Canadian home buyers and sellers really don't want to hear about Fanny May or Freddy Mac (unless they are American Idol contestants). How the U.S. market is influencing things north of the border is about as much as people in my area want to know about it. This week I have been working on the contents for a truly local newsletter that is relevant to our community

    Into the wee hours of the morning and again for a few hours this afternoon I collected the email addresses of past clients, past contacts, family and friends. I sifted through eight years of completed purchase and sale contracts, my old laptop computer, the IBM Tortoise. that has not been used in at least five years. Surprisingly it fired up, though after a couple minutes there was a smell in the air like someone had stuck a work sock in the toaster. Any where and everywhere I looked for misplaced and forgotten email contact files and in the end I had collected up 996 names and emails!
    The next step was to convert all of them into a format that my mail sender program would use and put the finishing touches on issue one of The Barrie Real Estate Report. In one push of a button, off it went in every direction of cyberspace to a computer near you. If there was ever a week in which I wish I had a paid assistant, this was it.
    This is a truly local report that will keep everyone up to date on local market conditions and movement, news from or impacting on the Real Estate industry and some good, made in Canada Real Estate advice for buyers, sellers and home owners.

    If you would like to add yourself to the mailing list to receive your own monthly copy of The Barrie Real Estate Report just fill out the boxes below and click the button.

    First Name:
    Last Name:

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