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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Google Developer Day and moving the web forward as a platform

The Zen Master sayeth: many minds are better than few.

It sounds simple, but this is one of the basic ideas behind Google's efforts to create a more open and collaborative web. It's why we created the Google Web Toolkit, why we made Google Gears an open-source application, and why we recently were happy to announce our new iGoogle sandbox to help developers to build richer gadgets for iGoogle. The theory: the easier it is for developers to work together to build on top of APIs and to experiment with open and scalable apps, the more vibrant the web becomes, and the more everyone benefits.

It isn't for any one company or developer alone to decide where the web can go, but it's a gradual evolution that everyone should be able to play a part in. It is with this in mind that we're happy to announce our second Developer Day event, happening June 18th, at Wharf 8 in Sydney. It's a chance for the Australian web developer community to come together to discuss where the web is headed, and how Google can help developers to build apps, and connect with millions of users across the globe.

For more details on our Developer Day event, and to register, please visit our website.

The Zen Master concludeth: we hope to see you there.

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