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Friday, October 21, 2011

at home Of Dream

at home Of Dream

Aging at Home Strategy in Ontario

The Ontario government introduced the Aging at Home Strategy in August 2007 in the interest of improving the quality of life and also the care available to seniors who are able and have chosen to spend their retirement years in the comfort of their own homes.

As Ontario's population ages it has become increasingly important to ensure that there will be resources available to assist our seniors. It is estimated that in the next 15 years, the senior population in the province of Ontario will double and with that statistic on the table, the Aging at Home Strategy was created.

The intent of the Aging at Home Strategy is that seniors will have access to needed resources to allow them to get home quicker after hospital visits and to avoid hospitalization where alternate care is available, thus easing some of the pressure on waiting rooms and hospital facilities in general.

Ontario's 14 Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) are at the forefront in identifying areas of need and making funding for home care and community services available.

Twenty percent of the original $700 million in funding of the AAH Strategy was to be dedicated to creating new and innovative projects, also known as new preventive and wellness services. These would create opportunities for LHINs to better serve and provide access to health care to Ontario's seniors.

Examples of New Projects and Services

Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County
In year 2 of the project, the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County estimates they would serve nearly 2500 seniors by 2010/11. The purpose of the project is to connect individuals newly diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia and their families to community learning services and support through the duration of the disease.

Going Home
Also in year 2, the Going Home project was created in Carefor Health and Community Services Center in Ottawa. They provide a collection of variety of community support services that assist seniors in the first 10 days after being discharged from hospital and allow seniors to remain safely in their homes.

Assisted Living Services
In year 3 of the project Assisted Living Services that include 24/7 access to in-home services was established in Killaloe, Renfrew and surrounding area, Carleton Place, Almonte and area, Downtown and Centertown Ottawa, Orleans, Ottawa South and Ottawa West.

Exercise Programs
Rehabilitation teams in Sarnia and Chatham-Kent are leading exercise programs for seniors suffering from chronic health conditions such as stroke and osteoarthritis.

Transportation is available in the Brampton area to give seniors rides to appointments.

Assistance around Toronto
A Toronto area program is providing seniors in supportive housing with counseling, homemaking services, and security check-ins and medication reminders.

Success Stories
The OASIS program is part of Ontario's Aging at Home strategy. It is one of seven Aging at home programs in Kingston and provides support to 40 seniors. The seven programs in the Kingston area serve over 700 seniors and across the Southeast LHIN there are 11 programs that serve over 2400 seniors. By its third year, the Aging at Home strategy had funded over 600 projects.

A February 1, 2011 News Release stated that the McGuinty Government's Aging at Home Strategy has helped reduce ER wait times. Seniors in the Kingston area have improved access to health care and better quality of life due to the innovative programs that are now bringing support to their homes. The OASIS program in Kingston has three on-site personal support workers that help the residents of 237 Bath Road to live independently in their own apartments. One of the workers assists residents with access to health care services and the two additional workers are on site each night of the week in case of incidents where someone needs a hand.

Why You Should Be Working At Home Today

Working at home for many is a fairy tale type of lifestyle that will bring them great wealth and freedom and the ability to never answer to anyone again. While this is a nice dream of sorts, the reality is not quite so simple. Yes, with work at home opportunities you can set your own schedule, but there must first be an emphasis on having a schedule. Without structure, you are destined to fail in a work at home opportunity. Now the good news is that the structure you set is completely up to you. If you're more of an evening person, then you can schedule all of your work during those times. Just make sure that the people you love understand the type of lifestyle that you are leading and that they are on board with it ahead of time. On the other hand, if you thrive in the morning to afternoon shift, then it's possible that not a lot will change as you test the telecommuting waters.

It's also important to realize that in any work at home position, the money has to come from somewhere. What do you do to earn it? Are you a writer? Do you sell products of either an informational or commercial type? Whenever someone is giving you money for something, whether it is a product or a service, you have to answer to them. One dissatisfied customer can lead to several, and that can lead to poor word of mouth that keeps you from making another dime. In this regard, working at home can be tougher than a traditional job because there is more direct pressure on you to succeed.

Still, the concept of not having a boss breathing down your neck every minute of the day is a good one. And any mistakes that cost you will be your own, unlike in the private sector, where a bad boss can have you chasing your tail, doing busy work, and making you look bad for his stupidity. With a shaky job market and failing companies out there, incompetent people in high places are simply the realities of the private sector. You can take control of your own destiny when you work at home, and that kind of liberation is very appealing.

As you decide whether the work at home lifestyle is right for you, consider what type of person that you are. Do you work well under pressure? Are you better when you're the one that's applying it and not someone else? Do you want to set your own career goals and depend on only yourself to get there? With these qualities, and discipline, the work at home lifestyle could be the one for you.

Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Work At Home Systems

Working at home has many pitfalls, but not nearly as many as work at home systems. There are a lot of products out there promising the world, but delivering very little or nothing at all. Many misrepresent themselves and make things seem much easier than they really are. They hope that the veiled secrecy will lead you to buy, and once you do, they plan to forget about you lock, stock and barrel. Finding a good work at home system is easy, however, if you focus in on three key areas.


When getting started out on your work at home system, you need to have support that will be there to ensure your profitability. Learning a new system is not easy without adequate support, and many work at home opportunities are completely devoid of it, because support means manpower and overhead, and they don't want to do anything that might jeopardize their profit margin. While this may be good for them, it does you little good as you struggle to find an Internet marketing system that works. Without adequate support you are destined for failure, and eventually, they will be, too. Don't waste your time with a company that thinks you and your success are a waste of time.


For a work at home system to be successful at training you for success and helping you reach out to the people, who will in turn make you successful, content is of vital importance. Without appropriate content, you cannot attract buyers, and you cannot learn what you need to do as a professional to keep the ship moving right along. But content alone is not enough. Systems require understanding, and for your understanding to be at its best, you need information reinforced in multiple ways. That leads to the last thing you should be looking for in a quality work at home system.


One of the best things that a successful work at home system can have going for it is a system of visualization procedures that has the concept come to life right before your very eyes. Look for high quality training videos that can show you in no uncertain terms how a system works. Content and literature alone is not enough to maximize your efforts for success. You have to visualize. And with a system of high quality training videos, you can see how the mystique becomes the reality.

Working at home takes time and effort if you want to do it right. But the more that you do upfront, the less it will take later on. So whenever you take this professional route, first choose a good system, and then put in the time and the effort necessary to understand how it works.

Income at Home - Why Most People Never Make Income Online - 1 of These Mistakes & You Won't Either

To be able to generate income at home is a very attractive alternative to a regular 9 to 5 job and with this economic crisis that we're facing, more and more people are trying to make money online. However, most of the new comers will never realize even a single profit online. The reason is simple; they make terrible mistakes when they start. I will show you some of the usual mistakes beginners make and how you can avoid them.

First the facts: Thousands of people are actually generating tons of income at home, including me. That said; the reality is that most of the newbie's never get to make money on the internet. There are many common mistakes that almost all beginners make and that most of the time will lead to an online failure. I make many of them, and my journey was painful and very expensive.

I'll give you a briefly overview of some of this mistakes and hopefully you don't make them.

Go for income at home systems or programs that don't work: You will be tempted bi some offers to try to make money on the internet filling surveys online, or filling questionnaires. You should never try this. These kinds of programs only make money to the guys who promote them.

Other types of programs that you should stay away are those programs that let you build a website on their domains to generate leads or customers for them. Many of these programs fall in the category of MLM or Multi-Level Marketing. If you are offered these kinds of programs run fast.

Shop to earn programs is another common scam you should avoid: These are income at home programs where you generate income through your shopping and through your friends shopping's. They claim there's not sales involve, but you usually have to come up with about $400 to get started. My friend thrust me on this; if you ever read the words 'shop to earn' in a website, close your browser, and if possible delete your cookies.

Never pick a system that involves CPA, PPC or PPV: CPA is when you get paid to generate leads for a vendor. A lot of money could be made with CPA but is not suited for beginners. PPC and PPV refer to pay per click and pay per view. These are ways to generate traffic where you pay for the click of for the view. You should stay away of programs that advise on these, at least for the first year.

Chose a great system and don't follow it persistently: many folks get lucky and stumble up on a good system or program to generate income at home but they never work hard enough on the system to make it work for them. You have to be persistent and work hard until you start seeing some profits, thrust me, it is worth it.

Generate income at home Infomercials: Be an adult; 99% of infomercials about how to make money online don't work. Use your TV to watch something of more value

Get overload with information: Many beginners allow themselves to get overwhelmed with information. When you star your income at home journey you will continuously and insistently be bombard with many different offers to make income at home, and you will read their sales letter and probably think on give a try to that program too.

This is the most common receipt for failure. Concentrate only on one system and don't pay attention to the hundreds e-mails that you are going to receive about the latest system to make massive amount of money online. This is the only way to succeed on the internet.

A lot of money can be made on the internet; it's not hard once you know how things work. I've been doing it for 5 years now and even on this recession I've managed to pull over $40,000 each and every month. Obviously, you'll need a sound Course, Program or System to follow.

Nowadays, trying to make money online is even more confusing than it used to be. There are so many programs on the market to choose from, most of them are garbage or scams, and unless you have the time and money to test them all out, you're basically going to go round in circles, and potentially lose a lot of money.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2803666

Easy Exercises You Can Do At Home

Do you know that in order to keep your heart healthy and your weight under control, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps each day? This may sound daunting but many activities you're doing everyday such as running errands or doing household works can add up to a few hundred or even thousand of steps for you.

To maintain your health and make sure you achieve the 10,000 steps each day, here are some simple and easy exercises that you can do at home. These exercise routines not only help to keep you fit but also will tone your body as they work on some specific muscle groups. They are a lot more effective than the general exercises such as running errands and doing house chores. Here are the exercises you can easily do at home:

- Stretching exercises. Stand with both of your hands against a wall and move your left leg back so that your foot is flat against the floor. Hold for a few seconds; then repeat this move with the right leg. Another great stretching exercise you can perform is to lie on your back, use both hands, bring up your right knee to your chest and hold it for a few seconds. Repeat this routine with your left leg.

- Curl is very easy to do. Just lie on your back with both hands behind your head and raise your upper body. Repeat this move for 15-20 times.

- Leg exercises can be done by lying down on your side and lifting each leg repeatedly for 15-20 times. You can also stand and hold on to the back of a chair and lift your legs backward repeatedly.

- Arm exercises. This is important to improve muscle tone. For arm exercises, you can use an exercise band. Place both feet on one end of the band, hold the other ends with each hand and then repeatedly raise and lower the band (in an up and down motion for 10-15 minutes). If you have a pair of dumbbell, you can also use them to exercise your arms.

- If you are working at home and sitting in front of your computer most of the time, try to press down on your toes in an up and down motion frequently. This activity will help to keep the blood circulation flowing in your legs.

- If you know how to dance, put on a music CD and dance for about 20-30 minutes. This is a great cardiovascular workout. You can also incorporate push-ups, sit-ups and jumping rope into your daily home exercise routine.

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