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Monday, March 31, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Doesn't Live Up To Hype

Downtown Los Angeles - Night Street View - 1940s (?)
Downtown Los Angeles is not proving to be the magnet for residential living that its developers and boosters anticipated, reports the Los Angeles Times.

The housing slump seems to have disproportionally dampened demand and prices in Downtown Los Angeles, while nearby markets such as Silver Lake-Echo Park remain more or less flat. According to Dataquick, the median sale price for 4th quarter 2007 in Downtown Los Angeles was $497,360 -- 16% below the peak reached in early 2007.

Downtown developers are offering hefty incentives -- from Mini-Coopers to gobs of upgrades -- to lure buyers to languishing units. The Downtown Los Angeles residential building boom -- fueled in part by an easing of parking, zoning and seismic safety rules in 1999 -- may have preceded the influx of services and the wholesale gentrification of neighborhoods that would make the area livable to the residents.

With a huge homeless population, lack of green space -- and not a Whole Foods in sight-- Downtown urban pioneers ventured into a transitioning neighborhood that is still quite rough around the edges -- although it may be viewed from the penthouse unit with Brazilian cherry wood floors and Poggenpohl kitchen.

Long-term, the fundamentals are excellent and those buying prime units in the best buildings will likely be rewarded disproportionately in the next housing cycle. With the construction of the Staples Center, Nokia Theater, Disney Concert Hall, the urban core is regaining its cultural luster. Many businesses have established themselves there. And with car-jammed freeways, those who work there will save time and money by living in Downtown Los Angeles. But for now, builders fret and homeowners gnaw their fingernails over a softening local market.


Document Freedom Day, Sydney 2008

The first ever Document Freedom Day, hosted in Sydney last Wednesday by Google, the Internet Society of Australia and the Sydney Linux Users Group (SLUG) was a great success for all involved, as it raised awareness about the importance of open document standards. Guest speaker, Senator Kate Lundy, gave insights into how the new federal government is taking open standards initiatives very seriously. The Senator also actively engaged in Q&A time, providing a valuable look into how the government is changing, and the challenges it faces in dealing with information and communications technology.

Guest Speaker David Vaile, director of the UNSW Executive Director of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, placed an emphasis on the growing complexity of copyright and patent licensing and the challenges faced by open standards. His discussion also touched on the trend of "cloud computing" and the social and security challenges faced as we look to the next wave of technological innovations. Q&A time was lively with fast succession of suggestions and comments.

Special thanks go to Senator Kate Lundy who was truly gracious and insightful, as well as to David Vaile, whose experience with open standards provided a valuable point of view. Also thanks to all that attended and participated in the valuable discussion and especially to the co-hosts ISOC-AU and SLUG.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Upwardly Mobile

There was a story in today's Birmingham News regarding Mobile's recent economic announcements. The story emphasizes the foreign companies that are creating jobs in Mobile.
Mobile was founded by the French and settled by Europeans. Today some 300 years later, European and other foreign companies are playing a major role in the growth of our town.

Here is a link to the story - http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/news/1206864993224150.xml&coll=2
Boom in Mobile to help Mississippi

A story in today's Hattiesburg, MS newspaper talks about how the economic boom in Mobile will affect Mississippi. The newspaper lists the recent announcements and economic growth in Mobile:
  1. The Air Force recently announcement that Northrop Grumman and European Aerospace Defense Systems (EADS) won a $40 billion contract to build in-air refueling tanker airplanes. The aircraft will be built by 1,900 employees in a new $600 million facility at Mobile's Brookley Field.
  2. The global giant ThyssenKrupp AG, announced last year that it would build a new $3.7 billion state-of-the-art steel mill producing stainless steel in northern Mobile County that will employ 2,700 permanent workers.
  3. The University of South Alabama and Infirmary Health System are completing construction on the new $100 million Mitchell Cancer Institute.
  4. Austal USA has just completed a $25 million expansion and is a partner with Bath Iron Works in a $223 million contract to build combat ships for the U.S. Navy.
  5. APM Terminals of North American and Terminal Link are building a $300 million intermodal facility that will bring together ship, rail, truck, and air transportation into one contiguous site.

It is suspected that there will be an influx of new businesses related to all of the economic growth to Mobile and the Mobile area which would include towns in Mississippi and Florida.

Here is the link to the story - http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080330/NEWS01/803300308

Friday, March 28, 2008

Solving the Home Sale Pricing Puzzle
- 8 Considerations for Sellers

RISMEDIA, March 28, 2008-Most sellers have an emotional connection to their home and feel it deserves top dollar when being sold. Everyone naturally wants to get the most money for his or her product, but “sellers must not be hasty with this all-important decision,” cautions real estate expert Robert Jenson, founder and CEO of The Jenson Group. “Indeed, the most common mistake that causes sellers to get less than they hope for is listing the sale price too high.”

Jenson notes, “Listings reach the greatest proportion of potential buyers within the initial days and weeks after hitting the market. If a property is overpriced early on, it will be dismissed - or outright missed - by prospective buyers and may result in price reductions that will reflect poorly on the listing. Overpriced properties languish on the market, and most end up selling at a lower price than would have been realized had it been priced properly in the first place.”
To help would-be sellers foster maximum profits with their real estate transaction, Jenson offers these insights on the various elements that must be considered when establishing a fair, competitive and marketable sale price for a home:

1. Square footage: Total square footage is an important consideration when establishing a home’s sale price, but this is usually just a starting point for buyers who will use it to narrow down the field, but make an actual purchase decision based on many other factors. There are some general rules of thumb to know when considering a home’s price per square foot, such as smaller homes generally get a higher price/foot than large homes, and single stories will sell for a higher price/foot than a two story.

2. Location within community: Homes that back up to a busy street get, on average, 10-20% less than homes elsewhere in a neighborhood. Anticipate this type of obstacle and factor it into the original sale price to avoid inevitable price reductions down the road, which reflect poorly on the listing and will likely cause it to sell at a lower price than would have been realized had it been priced properly at the onset. Quiet cul-de sacs, golf or water frontage, lots that offer privacy are value adds that can certainly justify a higher sale price than other homes in a community - or be leveraged as an advantage against competing listings.

3. Views…or lack thereof: Whether it is the ocean, a downtown skyline, the mountains, water or some other desirable landscape, buyers are willing to pay a premium for views and a home should be priced accordingly. Just be realistic. A view that can only be had by standing on the counter from the second story looking out the window to the left simply doesn’t count, and it’s inadvisable to dupe a prospective buyer by adding this to the listing’s MLS description.

4. Upgrades and features: It’s a simple formula: upgrades = sold. For a home to sell quickly and for the price desired, it must be “finished” with as many structural and interior design upgrades as possible…and nothing’s too small to leverage in establishing a home’s price point. From crown molding to faux paining to door handles and cabinet handles/knobs with modern finishes, to more obvious upgrades such as appliances, window, counter, cabinet and floor treatments, to swimming pools and surround sound wiring…any functional or beautification enhancement to a home are considerations in establishing its true value and strategic sale price.

5. Community amenities: Guard-gated communities or those with amenities such as a clubhouse, swimming pool and/or fitness center are also elements that often raise a home’s price per square foot. When pricing a home without these benefits, know whether you are competing against other homes that do offer such value adds so that you can price your home as aggressively and competitively as possible.

6. Comparable sales: Price your home referencing sold comparables -price per square footage of other homes that have already sold in your community - up to 3-months old maximum, as looking beyond 3-months is simply not a realistic portrayal of current market conditions and may steer you in a wrong direction. It’s also as important to compare your listing to active competing listings - homes currently for sale, which is the best tool for honing an effective pricing strategy - particularly for highly motivated sellers.

7. Professional appraisal: Sellers often frown on the idea of paying for an appraisal before there’s even an offer on the table, but doing so is actually one of the most important things a seller can do in pricing a home relative to current market conditions. Want to sell the home quickly? Price it at or below the appraised value as buyers are educated, are shopping deals, and will recognize your fair price and be more apt to pay it with less haggling.

8. Current mortgage conditions: The current mortgage market has tightened its proverbial belt and many lenders now require higher credit scores coupled with higher down payments, which can cash strap a buyer who will most definitely be holding out for the best deal possible. Every seller naturally wants to get the most money for his or her product, but a savvy seller will understand the mortgage industry’s impact on the buyer and will price accordingly.

For more information, visit http://www.thejensongroup.com/

And the winner is...

Not too long ago, I was in our Sydney office to meet the winners of the Build Your Campus in 3D Competition for Australia and New Zealand. I'm happy to report that the three winning teams were:
  • The University of Western Australia: Schools of Computer Science & Physics | models
  • The University of Melbourne: Department of Geomatics | models
  • The University of Melbourne: IT (Faculty of Engineering) and Software Engineering, and Faculty of Architecture | models

You can check out all the competition entries in this collection in the 3D Warehouse.

As part of the prizewinners' event, each of the teams showed the great work they put into the modeling process. I gave them a rundown of what the Google SketchUp team does, what I do for the team, and the role of the User Experience group at Google in general. The winners also (hopefully) got some insight into what happens in our Sydney office. There was some time for play as well: we toured North Sydney, Manly and the rest of the city before we dined at The Rocks to celebrate the winners' achievements.

Interested in modeling your own campus? This year's Model Your Campus Competition is international -- teams from 37 countries have already registered! Check out the competition website for all the details. To find out about other competitions for ANZ students, go to the ANZ student site competitions page.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Craig's List Hoax

I came across a story that reenforces the adage that you have to be careful on what you read or discover on the internet. There are nefarious characters that will use the internet for their vicious plans. My rule of thumb is don't believe anything you read on the internet unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or unless you have taken the time to research the matter to prove its accuracy to your satisfaction. This is known as "doing your homework."

Here is the link to the Craig's List story- http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/kgw_032408_news_craigslist_hoax.1ffb2c9c.html.
Survey: Consumers more bullish on homeownership as spring arrives

ATLANTA – March 26, 2008 – Recognizing that the current market favors buyers, 77 percent of respondents in a MarketTools survey said that the time is right to buy a home – a 20 percent increase compared to a similar January survey. Beazer Homes, USA, Inc. commissioned the survey.

Three of four surveyed (74 percent) agreed that the availability of homes for sale combined with special incentives make this a true “buyer’s market,” and more appeared ready for action. Sixteen percent of survey respondents report that they plan to purchase a home as their primary residence within the next 12 months – a 45 percent increase over the January survey results – and 28 percent are currently saving for a downpayment.

Nearly three-quarters of experienced buyers surveyed – those who have purchased one or more homes – urge renters to buy a home as soon as they are financially able to do so. Sixty-two percent of experienced buyers agree that current mortgage interest rates make this a “favorable time to purchase” a home compared with 44 percent of potential first-time buyers. “Favorable mortgages are another reason for prospective buyers to take a serious look at a home purchase this spring,” says Ian McCarthy, president and CEO of Beazer Homes.

“Low interest rates combined with attractive pricing means you can get a lot more home for your money.”

What homebuyers want
When it comes to purchasing their next home, seasoned buyers are looking for a better location (28 percent), a bigger home (25 percent) and more modern features (18 percent), according to the survey results.

First-time home buyers rank the need for a bigger home (28 percent), investment potential (27 percent) and the desire for a better location (23 percent) as the primary motivations for their first home purchase.The survey of 1,006 adults nationwide, between the ages of 25 to 72 with minimum household incomes of $40,000, was conducted by MarketTools on behalf of Beazer Homes, March 10-13, 2008. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 points for all adults.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Helping keep the internet safe

Over the years, we've built tools and offered resources to help kids and families stay safe online. Our SafeSearch feature, for example, helps filter explicit content from search results. And we're committed to working with Australian community and parents' groups, schools, regulators and other like-minded Internet companies to promote a safe online environment.

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide online safety resources for parents and kids, we've created Tips for Online Safety, a site designed to help families find quick links to safety tools like SafeSearch, as well as new resources, like a video offering online safety pointers that we've developed in partnership with Common Sense Media. The video offers easy-to-implement tips, like how to set privacy and sharing controls on social networking sites and the importance of having reasonable rules for Internet use at home with appropriate levels of supervision.

Users can also download our new Online Family Safety Guide (PDF), which includes useful Internet Safety pointers for parents.

We all have roles to play in keeping kids safe online. Parents need to be involved with their kids' online lives and teach them how to make smart decisions. And Internet companies like Google need to continue to empower parents and kids with information, tools and resources

We're committed to doing our part to help put Australian parents and kids in control of their online experiences and make web surfing safer.

For further advice and assistance on how to keep kids and families safe online visit www.netalert.gov.au and www.cybersmartkids.com.au. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) investigates complaints about prohibited internet content and internet gambling services.

Google Transit makes its Australian debut in Perth

(Last week Eric Schmidt was in town to announce the launch of Google Transit for Perth, the first city in the southern hemisphere. The feature is now live and we're thrilled to have a guest post from Transperth)

As a GIS systems developer working in the Public Transportation industry for the last six years, I have been following the progress of Google Transit as it has developed and expanded across the globe. Given my background, I was particularly excited when Transperth was approached by Google two months ago to ask whether we would be interested in integrating our public transport information with the Google Transit system. It did not take long to convince Transperth Management of the benefits to the public that Google Transit would add to the services Transperth already provided, not to mention the increased positive exposure for Transperth as the first agency in the southern hemisphere to be included!

After talking through these benefits, and the next steps for integrating Transperth services with an employee from Google, Transperth agreed to put Google Transit to the test. To my surprise, I was able to produce a valid Transit Feed for testing that same day! The Google Transit Feed Specification that Google had defined was simple enough that I was able to easily translate our schedule information into the required data feed. After just two months of testing and working with the guys at Google, Transperth and Google were happy to announce that the feed provided would soon be ready for release.

It is certainly an advantage that Transperth operates the only fully integrated public transport system in Australia where you can board any bus, train or ferry service on your journey using one fully integrated ticketing system (both electronic and cash based) and access the one set of journey planning and timetable data.

Now, I'm proud to say that Transperth's public transportation times are live in Google Maps! You can search for them directly in Google Maps, or from the Google Transit homepage.

In the future, I am looking forward to the possibility of expanding the feed provided to include not only the metropolitan area, but also all the major regional town centres in Western Australia managed by the Public Transport Authority, as well as the inter-town TransWA services. I am also looking forward to working with other public transport agencies from around the world to see how the Google Transit system can be further improved in the future - especially first by encouraging them to be a part of it! It's great to know that exciting new features are already being discussed by several agencies around the world, and I look forward to seeing Google Transit continue to innovate and provide great services for Transperth users to take advantage of.

We are young and free

A short time ago I visited the British Museum, where I had the privilege of viewing the prized exhibit known as the Rosetta Stone. The stone contains three different scripts: classical Greek, demotic Egyptian, and hieroglyphic Egyptian. It is famous because, prior to its discovery, hieroglyphic Egyptian was undecipherable. It did not matter at all that the historians had many samples of the language - what they lacked was the ability to decode it! The stone brought to light meaning that had been stored away in Egyptian scripture for thousands of years.

More recently, much has been made of how rapidly our digital standards are changing. As more and more application formats are developed (similar to the evolution of different languages), we begin to need more and more digital “Rosetta Stones” to unlock the information stored on our computers and disks. For example, I recently brought an old 8" floppy disk into the office, just to show the younger generation of Google engineers an artifact from my own garage. While we can read stone tablets that are thousands of years old, given the rate at which digital formats evolve and new storage mediums are invented, we can't read documents that were written just a few years ago (without going to the computer museum to dig up the right equipment).

This is a very real problem experienced in very practical situations, such as the need for the National Archives to digitally store official documents for future access. Beyond just physically reading the media, a format is needed that can be guaranteed to be usable, whatever happens over time. Similar to the Internet Protocols, this is only practically achieved with openly published and supported standards.

So this week Google Australia, along with The Internet Society and the Sydney Linux Users Group, is hosting the first Sydney Document Freedom Day, a global day for document liberation. It will be a day of grassroots effort to educate the public about the importance of Free Document Formats and Open Standards in general. We are very pleased to welcome Senator Kate Lundy and David Vaile, Executive Director of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, UNSW as our guest speakers. We encourage and invite everyone who is interested in document freedom, accessibility of information and open standards to attend.

More details can be found at the Sydney Document Freedom Day web site.

Monday, March 24, 2008

EADS finds sweet home in Alabama despite uproar

Here is an article today from AFP regarding EADS and Mobile. Agence France-Presse is the oldest news agency in the world, and one of the three largest with Associated Press and Reuters. It is also the largest French news agency.


Friday, March 21, 2008

CNN Money: Mobile's economy on upswing

CNN Money has ran a number of positive articles in past few months touting Mobile's economy and its potential growth in the coming years. Here is a link to the latest story: http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/newstex/AFX-0013-23931513.htm

I think this article does a good job of telling what has happened in our local economy over the last 40 years. The Mobile area was dealt a huge blow when Brookley Air Force base closed in the mid to late 1960's. Now the same Air Force base is central to the anticipated growth of the Mobile economy. If the contract for the KC45 is awarded to Mobile after the current appeal process, 2 factories will be built in the Brookley complex. EADS will be building both military and commercial planes in one of the plants. Northrop Grumman will be installing the military components for the contract in the other plant.

Making iGoogle even more personal

If you haven't yet given iGoogle a try, now there's a great new reason to take a gander: our personalised gadget maker. Rolled out in the States last year, the iGoogle gadget maker is now global, and available in all 42 languages supported by iGoogle.

While our goal is to organise the world's information, we also want to let you organise your world in the way that works best for you. The personalised gadget maker allows anyone, even those totally unfamiliar with coding, to create custom gadgets for their iGoogle homepage. Along with the thousands of gadgets already available to choose from, this means you can create a homepage that is especially tailored to include the things you care about, whether it be the photos from your road trip along the great Ocean Road, a countdown to this year's AFL season kickoff (not long now!), or even notes from a loved one. It's completely up to you!
Northrop Grumman Employment Projections

I came across an article from COSTAR Group, which provides information about commercial real estate in both the US and the United Kingdom. It is very interesting that the plans are for EADS and Northrop Grumman to each build a factory in Mobile. The article also mentions the future manufacturing of the commercial freighter aircraft by EADS in Mobile. Here is a link to the article - http://www.costar.com/News/Article.aspx?id=5386B827E49EC879554BA80047015F11

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Helping you to make your mark on Google Maps

At Google, we do our best to organise all the information that's out there in the world, but admittedly, there's a lot, and things are changing all the time.

So not too long ago, we turned to our most valuable resource for help: you. We opened up Google Maps (in Australia, New Zealand and the US) to user edits, allowing people to move Google Maps markers for their homes and businesses. Our maps are now more accurate, open and useful, thanks to you. In the past few months, you've edited addresses and moved markers right across Australia, from WA to Queensland.

But that was just the beginning. Starting today, anyone with a Google account can log into Google Maps and edit business listings. Moving the marker was helpful, but if your local music store moves around the corner, and you or your friends need to rock, we figured you should be able to change the address too. Now you can edit lots of information about businesses, including name, address, phone number, website, or business category, and even mark a business for deletion if it's closed down. Rock on.

Of course, businesses who have uploaded or edited their own details in the Local Business Centre remain in control of their listings.

In addition to being able to edit existing information, you can also add new places to the map, be it a business, landmark or even point of interest. Within moments of adding, others around the world will be able to search for your contributions. A great diving spot? A new cafe down the street? Whether you're an aspiring cartographer, or just happen to notice something missing, you're the experts, and we want you to share your world. To give it a try, just click the "add a place to the map" link the next time you search on Google Maps.

We will have moderators confirming the information you add, and you will still be able to see original map information if you prefer.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!

One of my long time hobbies is rotisserie baseball. I have participated in various leagues for the past 15 years. This year I am playing in a CBS Sportline League called National Championship. Our on line draft is this Thursday night. In the spirit of today's holiday, I like to share my team logo for my team , the Leprechauns.

New Price for Great Home in Loxley

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Research from National Association of Realtors - March 2008

According to the latest forecast, the volume of existing-home sales is expected to hold steady through late spring, with a gradual recovery during the second half of the year as the mortgage situation improves in high-cost areas. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said many buyers have been waiting for higher mortgage loan limits. “The higher loan limits for both FHA and conventional loans will increase consumer choice and provide greater access to lower interest rate mortgages in high-cost regions,” he said. “Therefore, a notable rise in home sales can be anticipated in the second half of the year." Here is the rest of the story.


Friday, March 14, 2008

New Listing Widget

Here is a neat little tool provided by Real Bird. This is a mapping of our listings (Move your mouse to the little houses to see details of each home and click on the house to see even more details) :

Fannie Mae Establishes New Conforming Loan Guidelines

Today, Fannie Mae released long-awaited guidelines on the new "jumbo-conforming" loans resulting from the Economic Stimulus package passed by Congress last month. This is a "wiki" version of these guidelines.

There is lots of good news – with a few strings attached:

The good news:

- The conforming loan limit is increased to $729,750 (from $417,000) for purchases of single family homes and condos in Los Angeles County
- Maximum purchase price of $802,725 with 10% down; $875,700 with 20% down, etc.
- Fannie Mae recommended a premium for "jumbo-conforming" loans (vs. traditional conforming loans) of only .25% for fixed loans and .75% for adjustable rate mortgages.
- The conforming increase will apply to all residential property (1- to 4-units), not just owner-occupied single family homes, as some feared
- Up to 90% LTV (loan-to-value ratio, or mortgage amount/property value) is allowed with credit scores over 700; with a credit score of 660 – 700, buyers must have a LTV of 80% or less (= 20% downpayment or more)

The strings attached:

- Full documentation is required for all loans (i.e., buyers cannot use “stated” income)
- Investment properties max out at 60% LTV
- No “cash out” financing is permitted, not even to pay off second loans, to combine loans, etc. (When an owner refinances a mortgage at a higher amount than the current loan balance, it is referred to as a "cash out refinance.") Cash out financing is only allowed to pay closing costs + $2,000
- No 7/1 or 10/1 programs are allowed as of now. 5/1 interest only programs are allowed, as are fully-amortized 5/1 programs (i.e., interest plus principal) and fixed-rate programs.
-We still do not know how lending institutions will react to Fannie Mae’s guidelines. They will likely follow them fairly closely.

Fannie Mae will start buying these loans starting April 1st.

The bottom line for buyers is lower interest rates, lower downpayment requirements and increased purchasing power.

Gulf Region Properties Team | Keller Williams Realty | (251) 215-9382

17262 Magellan Boulevard, Fairhope, AL
Great Floor plan for this 4 Bedroom Home
4 Bdrm Single Family House
offered at $175,000
Year Built 2006
Sq Footage 1,820
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial
Floors 1
Parking Unspecified
Lot Size 11,325 sqft
HOA/Maint $0 per month


You will enjoy living in this Miller's Crossing home that is situated on a large corner lot. The home features a great floor plan with huge great room with soaring vaulted ceilings. Both Formal and Informal Dining areas. The master bath room features a huge corner garden tub and a walk in shower. There are covered porches both on the front and back of the home. **Short Sale - All offers are subject to mortgage company approval.

see additional photos below

Central A/CCentral heatHigh/Vaulted ceiling
Walk-in closetFamily roomDining room
Breakfast nookDishwasherMicrowave
AtticLaundry area - insideBalcony, Deck, or Patio


Vaulted Ceiling
Breakfast Bar
Garden Tub
Separate Walk In Shower
Covered Rear Porch
Covered Front Entry
Corner Lot


Seller contact info:

Gulf Region Properties Team
Keller Williams Realty
(251) 215-9382
For sale by agent/broker

Equal Opportunity Housing
Posted: Mar 13, 2008, 10:55am PDT

Thursday, March 13, 2008


We have posted the latest real estate statistics for Mobile County based on transactions from the Mobile Association of Realtors. Please visit our Active Rain Blog for the Report.

The Baldwin County statistics have also been tabulated. They can be found by visiting this entry on our Active Rain Blog.

We are happy to report that the number of transactions took a noticeable increase.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Remember that Mobile local Real Estate news can be found here and on our website http://www.gulfregionproperties.com/

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Wilshire Corridor From Back In the Day Makes a Comeback

Wilshire Boulevard, Downtown Los Angeles - 1930s (?)
Another axis of great development activity in Los Angeles is along storied Wilshire Boulevard from Downtown through Miracle Mile, reports the Los Angeles Times. Up until the late 1980's, this area along Wilshire was a major business center, populated by companies such as Union Bank, Texaco, IBM and Getty Oil. But following the recession of the early '90s and the riots of 1992, the area fell into decline.

But "the other Wilshire Corridor" is back in full force, with thousands of residential units under construction or in the planning phase, and new high-rise towers breaking ground. The area is exempt from a city law passed in 1986 intended to curb the development of high-rise towers, and is coming to epitomize the vision of LA as a city where people live, work and shop within their own neighborhood -- and perhaps even rely on public transporation. The network of local bus, subway and rail connections is excellent. The area also has the city's -- and perhaps the nation's -- best stock of vintage Deco buildings that a ripe for improvement.

Part of resurgence in the area has been led by Korean American and Korean investment. South Korea recently raised the amount of capital that can be taken from the country, contributing to the flow of funds into the area. Upscale towers are rising at Wilshire and Western and nearby areas to accommodate buyers who want all the city's necessities at easy access.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"No Recession This Time" -- UCLA Anderson Forecast

Bucking conventional wisdom, the UCLA Anderson Forecast reports that the US is only flirting with recession and will not enter a two-quarter period of declining economic activity. Anderson Forecast Director Edward Leamer said, "we are holding form: no recession at this time," and points out that industrial production growth remains strong. California lost 358,000 manufacturing jobs in the 1991 recession; in the current period, major job losses in California have been 106,000 construction and 55,000 financial sector jobs. Forecasters predict that California will peak at 6.0% unemployment at the end of 2008. In short, California -- and the nation -- should be able to weather the storm.

The major drag on the economy -- no surprise -- is the national housing market. Buyers who financed properties with little or no downpayment find themselves with no equity or "upside down" and are being foreclosed upon or are simply walking away from properties. These cases may not be related to job-losses, but to a declining housing market coupled with interest rates that still remain high, despite the Fed's lowering of short-term rates.

UCLA is holding a contrarian position. Goldman Sachs and a former Treasury Secretary both have reported that the US is currently in a recession. But UCLA also held a contrarian position before, in 2001, when they correctly predicted the recession. Said Leamer, "we got it right and we stood alone back then."

Monday, March 10, 2008


Ask for an asymmetric style, point cut and highly texturised so its almost "scraggly" then an off centre flash of colour, in this case intense copper. Style by drying the hair upwards with the hairdryer for root lift, straightening with flat irons, then use a clay wax to mess it up. Hairspray can be used to assure a firm hold.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

West Hollywood Condo Market Round-Up: February 2008

West Hollywood Condo - Median Sale Price 2006 - 2008
(click on chart for more detail)

West Hollywood Condo Market -- Eighteen condos sold in West Hollywood in February 2008, below the monthly average of 32 condos per month recorded in the February 2007 - February 2008 period. The top sale was $1.24 million for a 1,700 sq ft architectural loft at Laurel and Santa Monica Blvd (1037 N Laurel, #20C). All seventeen other sales were less than $1 million.

Three indicators reveal that the West Hollywood condo market continues to trend up, in spite of the woes in the national real estate landscape. 1) The median sale price from February 2006 to February 2007 was $588,500; the median sale price February 2007 to February 2008 was $609,500 -- an increase of $21,000 or 3.6%. 2) The average $/sq ft increased from $566/sq ft in the '06 - '07 period to $570/sq ft in the '07 - '08 period. 3) Sales volume increased from 377 to 386 during the same period. Property values in West Hollywood are more or less marching up in sync with the CPI (Consumer Price Index.)

What will the fate of the West Hollywood condo market be in the next 12 - 24 months?

On the positive side, raising the conforming loan limit in Los Angeles County to $729,750 will dramatically increase the pool of buyers and their buyer power, supporting prices. Additionally, the West Hollywood sub-market remains "hot" -- the area attracts top retailers and companies, and with major upgrades at local hotels, is increasingly attracting business and leisure travelers. Property owners will benefit as the neighborhood continues to improve and evolve into LA's SoHo (with a little Chelsea thrown in.)

On the negative side, the high level of planning and development in the recent over-heated market could lead to an over-supply of product, diluting demand. Major projects are coming online at Sunset and Laurel, Fountain and Havenhurst, Norton and Sweetzer, Hancock and Santa Monica Boulevard; smaller developments dot the city (click here to see a map of properties under development in West Hollywood.) The current recession and the lack of visibility in the economy will also dampen demand.

The positive and negative forces should contribute to a lumpy market in which buyers and sellers are both able to find opportunities -- making for an exciting ride.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Foreclosures Hit New Highs

The number of homeowners delinquent on their payments rose to over 6% nationwide in the fourth quarter of 2007. More than 2% of homes were in foreclosure during the same time -- the highest level since record-keeping began in 1975. The California foreclosure rate is slightly higher than the national rate -- 2.23% of mortgages vs. 2.04% nationally. A challenge to reducing the foreclosure rate is that many homeowners in foreclosure have little, none, or negative equity in a property. About 35% of homeowners nationwide own their homes "free and clear", with no mortgage.


:: Barrie Real Estate Investment - Flipping homes for profit ::

Find an old tired house with multiple layers of separating and peeling wallpaper, simulated wood paneling in the basement, some rusty orange coloured carpeting with a relief pattern in it and a burn mark in the shape of an iron just for character. Throw in a few cracked window panes a matching turquoise tub toilet and sink, peeling roofing shingles, a leaning wood fence and a driveway that has worn itself into two parallel trenches separated by a long stretch of crabgrass and you have what many emerging investor/house flippers would call “opportunity for profit”.

This home is the star of dozens of cable TV shows. The ones where in the first scene some slick entrepreneur in Ray Bans and a pair of unscathed designer work boots struts up from his scotch guarded SUV, Blackberry permanently attached to the side of his head and turn his crew loose to strip, replace and polish the dog on the street house. After some on screen personality conflicts between him and a couple members of the crew, the unmasking of a few unanticipated flaws and a couple Jack Bower like deadline countdowns for theatrical effect, the house is now transformed into a gem that has buyers lining up to submit their offers. As the credits roll, flipper king announces his lovely profit which is equal or better than the average working Joe`s annual salary. Who wouldn’t be tempted by this kind of opportunity?

Unfortunately, would be fix and flippers can be easily seduced by the promise of quick and easy cash. You need also to be prepared to put in some skin and sweat and even take a hit financially if things don’t happen in Hollywood script like fashion. Here are a few common mistakes, hurdles and tips for those who want to try house flipping for themselves.

Understand the reality of this method of earning

While adding value to property can create wealth, it is no ‘get rich quick’ scheme. It still requires time, dedication and effort. The results that you ultimately achieve will reflect on your commitment to these three areas.

Do your Homework before making a financial commitment to any property

90 % of your time is going to be spent on locating and purchasing the property itself. In this instance, your preparation will be research, viewing, negotiating and more research.

Do the work yourself or pay a professional?

Anything you do yourself saves money right? This train of thought is fraught with danger on two levels. Firstly, if the level of workmanship is substandard then this can and will affect your resale price. If you’re no good at it yourself, pay someone who is to do it. Figure out what you are worth per hour to the project (estimated time invested divided into estimated net return) If that figure comes in at $55 per hour and you spend two days painting (my painter works for $13 per hour), where is your true savings?

Have access to the funds to back you

No real value in a potential $50,000 profit if you can’t pay the bills to get there. Have the cash or a substantial line of credit to cover you in unforeseen scenarios that might increase project costs, length of time to sell and additional work needed. Don’t quit your day job after one successful flip. After you see a pattern of success and evidence that this is an ongoing venture that is both enjoyable and profitable - that is the time to consider if a permanent career shift holds merit.

Plan your Exit Strategy

Occasionally, despite your research and planning, the property just does not want to sell in the current market. External influences are beyond your control and will pop up from time to time. Have an exit strategy and you’ll be fine. Don’t take on a project if you cannot afford any unforeseen holding costs. Secondly, there is often financial advantage to holding a good property. If the market doesn’t agree with you at that particular time, then rent it out for twelve months or so.

Check your emotions at the curb

Don’t ever let yourself be ruled by your emotions when buying. You must always allow for buying, selling and closing costs. Where possible, your purchase price must be sufficiently below market value to at least allow for these costs. Even better, the price should be low enough to allow for closing costs plus rehabbing costs.

The following formula will allow you to assess the real purchase cost of a particular home that you may have in mind. Starting with the final selling price, work backwards and deduct selling costs, profit margin, renovation costs and costs associated with buying. This final figure should indicate what you can safely offer for the property. If it looks like a totally unreasonable offer amount either for you or the seller then keep on looking.

How often have you walked into a home and been totally horrified by the décor? Yet this is another common mistake made by renovators. They let their emotions get in the way and decide what is good for them is good for everyone else. Keep It Simple and focus on the “wow” factor. It is no coincidence that a home sells quicker and for a higher price when it possesses strong buyer appeal. You’re here to make money, not win a home decorating award. Give the market what it wants, not what you think it wants!

Don’t over do your renovation

The great temptation of renovating is to do too much. While the “wow” factor is critical, you must keep your emotions out of the equation and strictly adhere to your budget. Nothing goes exactly to plan when renovating, so don’t panic if you exceed your budget by small amounts. Allow for a buffer to cover any surprises (usually 10 to 15 per cent). Always have your costs estimated accurately prior to purchasing a property. Have a building inspection done and make your offer to purchase conditional upon its findings. This will enable you to discover any unforeseen surprises and possibly renegotiate the price should the inspection uncover any major defects - or even walk away.

Understand things can and often do go wrong in the course of buying revamping then selling a home. A little planning goes a long way and can soon put you in the category of the profitable real estate investors in your target market.

New Listing

Gulf Region Properties Team Keller Williams Realty (251) 215-9382

2800 Westmoor Street, Mobile, AL
Large 4 Bedroom Home with Wonderful Great Room
4 Bdrm Single Family House
offered at $174,900
Year Built1978
Sq Footage2,135
Bathrooms2 full, 0 partial
Parking2 Covered spaces
Lot Size.75 acres
HOA/Maint$0 per month


You will love living in this Carriage Hills home. Enter the lovely foyer and you will find the Formal Living and Formal Dining Rooms on the left. These rooms have very attractive parquet wood flooring. The Great Room has beautiful wood floors and cathedral Ceiling. Gas Log Fireplace adds the special ambiance. Attractive kitchen and breakfast area with bay window overlook the generous sized patio at the rear of the home. The home has 4 large bedrooms and updated bathrooms. The Master Bedroom features 2 walk in closets and has door to the rear patio. Large 2 car carport with plenty of storage space. Huge park like back yard that is totally fenced.

see additional photos below

Central A/CCentral heatFireplace
High/Vaulted ceilingWalk-in closetHardwood floor
Tile floorFamily roomLiving room
Dining roomBreakfast nookDishwasher
Laundry area - insideYard




Seller contact info:

Gulf Region Properties Team
Keller Williams Realty
(251) 215-9382
For sale by agent/broker

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Posted: Mar 6, 2008, 7:57am PST
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