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Friday, July 27, 2007

Calling all Aussie filmmakers (and lovers of Gmail)

The internet has made it simple to connect with people from around the world through email, however what if that process was more complex, like a Rube Goldberg machine, but instead of gears and levers, there'd be people on everything from bicycles to submarines delivering a message from one place to another?

Well, the Gmail team has come up with an idea to stitch together a bunch of video clips from around the world that all share one element: someone hands the Gmail M-velope in from the left of the screen, and hands it off to the right. Put them all together, and they form one long chain of hand-offs.

A collaborative video depicting just that (well, without the submarines), has been created to kick off the process and now it's time to let everyone in on the action. I can just see the M-velope being handed off in the surf, from a rugby pass, wrapped around an AFL footy and booted to a friend across the road. Learn more on the new Official Gmail Blog, or go directly here where you'll find directions on how to submit your clip. We're looking forward to Australian users continuing our proud filmmaking tradition. Baz Luhrmann and Peter Weir - look out!

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