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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

:: Fear of Commitment leads to weak relationships ::

Am I now giving couples advice on my Real Estate blog?

No, but I got your attention didn't I?

This post is directed at the thousands of people who will
be retaining the services of a Realtor to purchase a house this year.

Get a Buyer Agency Agreement Signed at the earliest opportunity!

What is the benefit to a buyer?

Well consider this. Suppose you walked into a busy TV store and like the dozens of others that day, when asked "Can I help you?" You reply "I'm just looking thanks"

The sales person will offer a few words on what you are looking at, become distracted by the next person to walk in the door and leave you to figure out the difference between digital ready and high def all by your self.

Imagine if you told that same sales rep who asks if you need help "Yes I want to know everything you can tell me about your Plasma TVs, and before I leave I am going to buy one and I am going to buy it from you".

That sales rep is going to trip over him or herself to provide you service and not likely even notice the other customers coming into the store. He/she is going to give you the information you need to make an informed decision and likely be more receptive when you try to negotiate the price that you want to pay.

In Real Estate, agents deal daily with inquiries from potential home buyers by email, by telephone, from people walking into the office or coming into an open house. The good agents treat everyone as a potential client even though most have a contact manager list as long as their arm of potential buyers with question marks beside their name that they cant bring them self to remove from the list, just in-case.

The reality is many buyers will jump around from agent to agent until they are ready to make an offer on a property. Most agents will try to divide their time and efforts evenly amongst the more recent of "potential buyers" on the list.

If you find an agent who has earned your trust why not tell them you want to sign an agency agreement and work exclusively with them?

How will this benefit you?

You have effectively told the Realtor "I am serious about buying and any time effort and expense you commit to me should eventually result in a home purchase".

You have just separated yourself from 99.9% of the other people who are vying for time with a Realtor and he/she is going to go out of their way to accommodate your needs, your schedule, and provide you all the information you need to make an informed decision and insure a smooth and re warding purchase.

By blending with the masses and not forming a good business relationship with one Realtor or by waiting until you think you have found a home you want to put an offer on to settle on a Realtor, you only deny yourself the advantage of having the knowledge and input of a professional negotiator and facilitator on your team who may end up saving you thousands of dollars.

Someone who knows the ropes and the neighborhood, who can provide you with timely information on market conditions, all listings and their sales history and often give you a heads up on homes that are not even listed yet.

Buying a home is the biggest financial decision in most peoples lives. Make a sound business decision and commit to using the services of one Realtor from the start of your home buying journey.

gimmeshelter.ca HotBarrieListings.com BarrieHomeworth.com mikemontague.com

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