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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lake House 2011 - Home Interior 2011

Lake House 2011 - Home Interior 2011
Lake House 2011 - Home Interior 2011
Lake House 2011 - Home Interior 2011
Lake House 2011 - Home Interior 2011
Lake House 2011 - Home Interior 2011

Love Your Lake House Decor For You

Many people today decide to buy a summer residence for relaxation. There are many styles from log cabin to the traditional style square building with doors and windows. The idea for a second home is for relaxation and to have fun. Lake house decor can vary according to many factors. Many people want more than just a log cabin with some wooden chairs. There are many ideas and ways for starting to buy those furnishings. Next will be a discussion of some ideas how to get started buying the right accessories.

A lake residence obviously is designed to enjoy and to appreciate nature and the surroundings. Thus the rooms should be furnished with items that seem natural and blend in with the area. The outdoors is the main feature so take ideas that will enhance the best views.

A lake area is for the outdoors. So to make use of the outdoors, things like a nice deck or a patio are a must. But mosquitoes can ruin any party, so maybe a screened in area would be useful. Entertaining is important so make that deck practical and fun for all the family and friends.

The last part is actually looking and buying the furniture and decorations. There are many blogs with great photos an ideas on the internet. So take some time to look at these to get some beginning ideas. The internet has a multitude of websites about furnishings with some good bargains if one looks carefully. Part of the adventure is just looking and discovering.

Sometimes the internet has good bargains, but there are other places for good bargains. Garage sales offer many items from furniture to paintings at good prices. Check out weekly flea markets and antique shops. The bargains are out there, and even though it takes some time it is a good adventure.

Many people just collect bargains of furniture and decorations and then mix and match for each room. Here are some factors in decoration that one should consider before buying. The color factor is important in design. Do not use too many bright colors but rather find colors from the surrounding area and use them in the interior.

Pine is a good wood and versatile with textures and can be used in vertical or horizontal designs for the floor and ceiling. Mixing pine with another wood for contrast is effective too. Painting the wood still gives it a nice texture, so use your imagination.

One can use such simple items as tree branches and pine cones to make attractive arrangements on the tables or those difficult unused corners. Be creative in using the different textures and patterns.

Pillows are always a welcome touch and add nice color and make couches look cozy. Grandma type crocheted slipcovers help make that old couch look welcoming.

A Timeless Story - The Lake House

One of the most romantic films ever shown in the big screen-The Lake House tells the tale of two individuals, from different timelines, that develops a deep friendship with only a mailbox as their means of staying connected.

It has been years since they first co-starred in the action packed 1994 movie Speed. Back then was a picture of the fast driving Sandra Bullock and a cool crisp talking good-looking cop Keanu Reeves. Though the chemistry was great, Keanu never reprised his role in Speed 2. In this 2006 film remake of the Korean romantic drama, Mare (2000), these two Hollywood stars teams-up again as Alex Wyler and Kate Forster.

There goes the sigh and the day dreaming of someone who loves you even from a distance. In the film, Sandra Bullock plays Dr. Kate Forster, a tenant of the lake house who is about to move to a new address in Chicago. She leaves a message to the new tenant asking to deliver any mails in her name to her new address.

Keanu Reeves plays Alex Wyler, a talented yet frustrated architect who buys the Lake House, which is originally built by his father. As he arrives in the Lake house, he discovers the note from Kate. In the message, she wrote about a box and the paw prints on the walkway leading in the house. Seeing no prints or box, he writes her back stating that the house was unoccupied, that before he came, and that there was none of the things she claimed in her letter. It was not until two days later that Alex thought about Kate's note as a stray dog stepped on paint and left paw prints on the walkway. Meanwhile, upon receiving the message, Kate thought of Alex's note as a joke and asks the day for argument's sake. He then answers her of the day like that of Kate but of a different year-two years earlier.

Alex goes for a tenant background check on Kate trying to locate the address she left as to where to deliver her mails in case they were delivered to the Lake House. He then found a building of a luxury apartment under construction with an 18 months deadline to meet ahead.

With the tenant background ceck and the other events that happened, Kate and Alex finally disclose the fact that, though weird as it may, they are living in different timeline. They are two years apart as Alex lives in the year 2004 while Kate lives in 2006. Moreover, with that starts a love story that tries to defy even time.

Romantic in every way, the story of Alex and Kate is one for that DVD collection. It is as heartwarming as any romantic film as they try to meet each other and save each other's lives. This one movie cannot easily forget even with the passing of time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Home Interior Today by Sachin Tendulkar

Home Interior Today by Sachin Tendulkar
Home Interior Today by Sachin Tendulkar
Home Interior Today by Sachin Tendulkar
Home Interior Today by Sachin Tendulkar
Home Interior Today by Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar - The Master of Indian Cricket

Sachin Tendulkar has become the face of Indian cricket who has taken Team India to soaring heights. The red caps achieved by him and the number of world records has only resulted in him becoming better as a player and much more sober as a human. To name a few records, he has the maximum number of runs ever achieved by a cricketer, he is the first person to have made 200 runs in an ODI, he has the maximum number of caught and bowled instances etc. One of the greatest cricketing legends, Sir Donald Bradman once described a situation in his house.

'I saw him playing on television and was struck by his technique, so I asked my wife to come look at him. I know I never saw myself play, but I feel that this player is playing much the same as I used to play, and she looked at him on Television and said yes, there is a similarity between the two...his compactness, technique, stroke production... it all seemed to gel! in reference to Sachin Tendulkar.'

Sachin, since he was 16 years old has been representing India and has pushed the team to stand strongly at number one in test cricket and number two in ODI's. But obviously Sachin hasn't been the only factor which has helped India reach this extravagant milestone. Captains like Azaruddin, Ganguly and now MS Dhoni are more like a backbone than just a name in the team. Ganguly once quoted in an interview:

"The captain has a big role. It is important to keep the boys' confidence high and to keep one's faith in them. I try to give my support to the youngsters because nobody comes in as a world beater. Okay, some rare cricketers score a century on debut, but that doesn't mean the rest are not good enough. We have to give them more opportunities, which was not there when I started out. Captaincy these days is more off the field than on the field."

Team India has come across a lot of ups and downs and fought many battles on the field in the past many decades, and today they are the most envied cricketing team across the globe. India, with the perfect combination of young blood, experience and not to forget the richest cricket board in the world has answered many a critics who raised fingers to every loss or decisions affecting the performance of the team.

Innovation Is the Key to Kill Inferiority!

'I could not achieve anything in this world, as I am not having money, name and fame. I am not having good health and could not pass in the examinations though I have attempted many times. Higher Education, well paid job have become stars for me, which I could not achieve. My family problems and circumstances are the main reason for my failure. I could not reach my goal as the goal itself is not good for me. It is not my mistake, if I could not achieve anything. I am not so handsome to mingle with people. I could not talk to people without fear. I am not so intelligent. Our family's financial position is not so good. My parents are illiterate. People look down at me because of these reasons. Those are more rich people than me. They may not agree to my love.' This kind of thought process always haunts people who suffered from failure. This kind of people always finds out some or other excuses for their failures. These reflect the personality of the people who do not believe in themselves. If you analyze a bit more, inferiority complex is the ultimate result of self-pity.

Falling prey to circumstances is the first result of inferiority complex. Abusing self is the second step and indulging in self defeating behavior is the third step. A person suffering with self pity is always ashamed of himself. 'I can only do' is arrogance; 'I can also do' is self confidence. 'What can I do' is inferiority complex. Whatever may be our trait in these three qualities, there will be a result and it may be positive or negative. If we belong to the inferior category, we dig our grave without fail. Self Pity is the highest hurdle for progress. 'I am not responsible for my self-pity' is the very seed of self-pity.

Successful Race horse will have two strong legs i.e. skill and innovation. Don Bradman and Sachin Tendulkar are great Batsmen. Michael Jackson and Lata Mangeshkar are great Singers. Ramanujan is a great Mathematician. There are many cricketers in the world. There are many Singers. There are many Mathematicians. We have accepted these as greats along with the world around us and they have achieved greatness in their chosen field. These people have become great more than others in their field of action. Yesterday's Greats like Thomas Alva Edison, Karl Marx, Mahatma Gandhi and latest Greats like Diego Maradona, Pete Sampras, A.R.Rahman, Bill Gates and Mukesh Ambani are having only one light house as their destination i.e. innovative thinking. They are not routine thinkers. They always tried different things with different perspective. They are not great just because they did different things; but they did many things differently and many times. You have to develop all kinds of skills to become successful in your field of interest. One should not allow his weaknesses to divert attention from the path of progress. If you can create some innovative idea based on your skill, you can reach your final goal of success.

You too can do these things to become successful and overcome your self-pity which kills your ability.

i. You should not pity yourself as it is a sign of shame and inferiority complex. Resist this feeling whenever it raises its ugly head in your mind.

ii. It is better to attract others accolades with our self respect rather than trying to attract their attention by projecting our nature of self pity.

iii. Always try to enhance your confidence and find out ways to motivate yourself, whenever you feel that you are over powered by the feelings of your inferiority complex.

iv. Never forget that you are living better than anybody else in this world and always try hard to strive for a better life every moment with your skills, innovative thinking and perseverance.

Finally, ideate, innovate, and create to become successful overpowering your inferiority.

The Roles of Third House and Mars in Sports-Related Career

Sports are an important way to stardom. Sometimes a good sportsman commands higher brand value compared to a cine star. Cricketers like Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sachin Tendulkar have bigger brand values than some celebrities of Bollywood. To become a cine star, one should have proper connections in Bollywood. Talent, hard work and perseverance are required for becoming a sports star. People from average middle class have become celebrities through specialization in sports. Parents now encourage their children to look for career in sports.

The third house, the lord of the third house and planets placed in the third house are significant for analysis of sports-related career. Maharishi Parashara in his treatise "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra" has emphasized that the third house stands for courage, valor and self-initiative. Sportsmen should remain endowed with all these qualities. The placement and condition of Mars is crucial because this planet denotes valor, courage and teaches acting from the front. Career in sports is awarded by strong and well-placed Mars. Strong third lord and malefic planets placed in the third house are good for success in sports.

We are taking the horoscope of Sachin Tendulkar who is a living legend and eminent cricketer of India. He was born on 21st April 1973 at 18:01:00 PM in Mumbai when Virgo "lagna" (ascendant) was rising (source K. N. Rao, Journal of Astrology).

The planetary position at the time of his birth was as follows:-

- The "lagna" rising is Virgo.
- Moon is placed in the 3rd house.
- "Rahu" is placed in the 4th house.
- Mars and Jupiter are placed in the 5th house.
- Mercury is placed in the 7th house.
- Sun and Venus are placed in the 8th house.
- Saturn is placed in the 9th house.
- "Ketu" is placed in the 10th house.

Mars is the third lord in the horoscope of Sachin Tendulkar. It is very strong as it is in exaltation. Hence, the criteria of strong third lord and strong Mars are both met in his case. The exaltation of Sun and Mars has given strength to the horoscope. According to Parashara two planets in exaltation give kingly status.

We can also examine the horoscope of Virendra Sehwag to illustrate the same point. Sehwag is one of the most daring openers in the modern day cricket. He was born on 20th October 1978 at 02:45 AM in Delhi when Leo "lagna" (ascendant) was rising (source K. N. Rao, Journal of Astrology)

The planetary position at the time of his birth was as follows:-

- The "lagna" rising is Leo.
- "Rahu" is placed in the 2nd house.
- Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are in the 3rd house.
- "Ketu" is in the 8th house.
- Moon is in the 10th house.
- Jupiter is in the 12th house.

In his case also the third house is very strong. The placement of Mars and Sun in the third house makes him daring. Venus placed in its own sign in the third house is adding to the strength. Venus is both the lord of the tenth house and the third house and it is placed in the third house. This placement can be considered ideal for career in sports. The strength of the third house makes Virendra Sehwag dreadful for bowlers in cricket. On his day, he can be ruthless and merciless against any bowling attack. "Rajya yoga" is forming in the third house by the conjunction of "lagna" lord Sun with the ninth lord Mars.

The basic parameters of success remain the same for sportsmen. Exalted planets, "rajya yogas" and other benefic "yogas" in the horoscope help a genuine sportsman achieve stardom.

House By Sachin Tendulkar's Today

House By Sachin Tendulkar's Today
House By Sachin Tendulkar's Today
House By Sachin Tendulkar's Today
House By Sachin Tendulkar's Today
House By Sachin Tendulkar's Today

Sachin Tendulkar - The Master of Indian Cricket

Sachin Tendulkar has become the face of Indian cricket who has taken Team India to soaring heights. The red caps achieved by him and the number of world records has only resulted in him becoming better as a player and much more sober as a human. To name a few records, he has the maximum number of runs ever achieved by a cricketer, he is the first person to have made 200 runs in an ODI, he has the maximum number of caught and bowled instances etc. One of the greatest cricketing legends, Sir Donald Bradman once described a situation in his house.

'I saw him playing on television and was struck by his technique, so I asked my wife to come look at him. I know I never saw myself play, but I feel that this player is playing much the same as I used to play, and she looked at him on Television and said yes, there is a similarity between the two...his compactness, technique, stroke production... it all seemed to gel! in reference to Sachin Tendulkar.'

Sachin, since he was 16 years old has been representing India and has pushed the team to stand strongly at number one in test cricket and number two in ODI's. But obviously Sachin hasn't been the only factor which has helped India reach this extravagant milestone. Captains like Azaruddin, Ganguly and now MS Dhoni are more like a backbone than just a name in the team. Ganguly once quoted in an interview:

"The captain has a big role. It is important to keep the boys' confidence high and to keep one's faith in them. I try to give my support to the youngsters because nobody comes in as a world beater. Okay, some rare cricketers score a century on debut, but that doesn't mean the rest are not good enough. We have to give them more opportunities, which was not there when I started out. Captaincy these days is more off the field than on the field."

Team India has come across a lot of ups and downs and fought many battles on the field in the past many decades, and today they are the most envied cricketing team across the globe. India, with the perfect combination of young blood, experience and not to forget the richest cricket board in the world has answered many a critics who raised fingers to every loss or decisions affecting the performance of the team.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

christmas home Interior 2011

Stylish Christmas Home Decorating Ideas

Christmas is one of the most elegant and awaited event with full of life. The atmosphere turns out to be a blessed surprise with ringing bells and decorated streets. Everywhere you find the thrill and essence of a festival filled with love and emotions. It is the perfect time to showcase your decorating talents and the initial step starts from your home. When you think of a Christmas decoration, it is all about your aesthetic sense and creativity that keeps your decoration special and unique from others. To see the final product of decoration after hours of work is really gratifying. To fill your home with abundance of surprise and holiday cheer, the Christmas decorations plays the key role.

The arrival of this festive season is marked by the decorated shops with full of decorative elements. But for a unique and special Christmas decoration, homemade decoration items are recommended. Than the machine made decorative items, handmade items are available which are exceptionally beautiful. To create an intricate beauty, handmade decorations are the perfect option. You can yourself make inexpensive homemade decorations to add uniqueness to your decoration items. To be attractive, the decoration need not be elaborate. Without spending many hours or money, you can create exceptional decorative items that add cheer to your festive season. There is a spirit of expectancy and to keep this spirit, proper decoration is necessary. You can make a colorful decoration with all the charm and grandeur of Christmas.

The Christmas ornaments include bells and stars, glittery angels, colorful candy canes, wreaths and gingerbread men. With the help of food colors, dough and paint, you can easily make these items without much expense. The dough can be rolled out easily by using a rolling pin and a cookie cutter would be useful to get the desired shapes. After it dries well, you can bake to make it strong. Once it dries completely, paint using glittery colors to give a special look. The stylish part of decoration includes the use of some crystal ornaments. It can be of different colors and mostly a crystal piece will be the centerpiece of decoration. Differently colored candle sticks with different shapes will make a good piece of decoration. You have to choose the candle colors that will seamlessly blend with the flow of decorations. Arrange the candles in odd numbers to get an attractive look.

The Christmas wreaths play a special role in decoration. You can make it in a number of ways using dried leaves or flowers. It can be painted in gold or silver so that it adds a charm and lasts for years. Next choice of decoration is papers, which is the most inexpensive way to decorate. The Christmas tree is the vital piece of decoration in this festive occasion. The paper baubles will add a special look to your Christmas trees. The Christmas windows will make the outdoor decoration more elegant. If you have some patience and creativity, you can surely make the Christmas decoration quite stylish and attractive.

Tips For The Best Interior Christmas Decorating

There are oodles of interesting methods to come up with unique interior Christmas decorating plans. You will want to pay close attention to this type of decorating because it will be one of the most useful ways to decorate for your holiday season. It is an essential aspect of your family's holiday celebrations and really what will determine what type of Christmas you have. With the right decorations, your home will feel warm and comfortable. With so many unique and fun ideas on the market right now, there is something that will fit perfectly in the scheme you are looking to create with interior Christmas decorating. With fun and inspirational interior Christmas decorating needs, consider the many ways to tackle this project.

Ideas For Your Decorating Passion

One of the first interior Christmas decorating tips for you is to use your favorite dolls and bears from around your home. Dress them up in holiday style and then create a unique display. You can add a miniature tree to the display perhaps with presents underneath it. You can even have your children help with creating this special display. Use items that they will be happy to share in these displays.

Another idea for interior Christmas decorating is to use bows throughout the home. Purchase some Christmas printed ribbon to use and these throughout your home. This can be placed throughout various rooms to create a unique style and look to the room. Next, hang stockings in the home. They do not all need to be stuffed with goodies come Christmas morning, but still will add a festive touch to the room if you use them.

Making Table Cloths And More

Another way to create a fun interior Christmas decorating method is to use a white table cloth and some fabric paint to create your own holiday table cloth. This is perfect to do with younger children and they will love the art project that's something they are never allowed to do throughout the rest of the year. Keep going with the festivities throughout your home. Keep your bathroom in holiday spirit by decorating the shower curtain into a unique holiday pattern. Use a hot glue gun and various decorations you find. Add a few ornaments to the house plants that you have to add a bit more charm to the home.

christmas home Interior 2011
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