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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Victorian houses

Victorian houses

It is a like love gone bad, an affair that started of great but has now turned sour! The panel of oak wood that made your heart race, now makes you feel gloomy and dark. The alcoves, the turrets, the oddly shaped rooms seemed so inviting and romantic before, but now you have no idea on how to furnish and decorate your home!

After few years living in a small Victorian terraced house you can find yourself craving for a big modern bathroom, a simple open floor and ample storage space.

Older homes are beautiful and may seem like living a dream, but the truth is they are simply not designed for modern living.

The plan of a Victorian House seems cluttered and open spaces are hard to come by, instead you may find a maze of small rooms of almost closet size connected by a series of doors and hallways.

But none the less, Victorian houses have a lot of charm and with the right remodelling they can be a dream come true. Most people look to create more space by tearing down old walls, but look out!

Many of these seemingly insignificant walls are actually load bearing. They actually support the upper floors! While your house may not come crumbling down if you remove one wall, there is a risk of the floors beginning to sag. If you want to remove walls you should check with a reputable builder as it may be necessary to have supporting lintels put in place to support the upper floor. You will have to ensure that any major refurbishments made meet building regulations and planning permission is obtained, where applicable, before starting any major renovations.

Luckily there are many ways to update that older house and still keeping structure intact. Don't remove the entire wall, but cut openings in existing walls. The result will be more space, while still maintaining ambiance.

The number one complaint about Victorian houses is usually the bathroom. Even though modern plumbing were largely available at the time, Victorian bathrooms are small compared to many modern standards. But you can transform them into havens of peace and practicality by adding a few personal touches of Victorian or modern soft furnishings and clever decorating.

Finding extra storage space in a Victorian home has always been a problem, but here are some tips:

* Use the area below the main staircase. This can be opened up to provide space for bureaus and desks, if large enough computer stations can be placed here very effectively.
* Install bookcases or shelving around windows, doors and in alcoves.
* The number one rule is "No harm"- meaning do not purposely destroy the original styling and materials.
* Use the same fabrics and original styles wherever you can.
* Think creatively about the possibilities instead of the limitations of your house.
* Decorate in pale or neutral colours or bright vibrant colours to make small rooms appear larger and brighter.
* Choose full length curtains to add height to a room, coordinate with rugs, runners, cushions and throws.

The Victorian architecture is not a style. In fact it is a period in the history. The Victorian era started in 1840 and continued up till the year 1900. This was the period which saw the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution changed the whole world. And the industrialization marked many innovative style of architecture. In fact the word innovation became quiet important.

There were the variety of Victorian styles and each of them had the distinct features. Some of them really became very famous. All the famous Victorian style of houses stole the printing space in most of the home style books. The buildings constructed during this period were influenced by many of the old architecture.

Either it was the Victorian Italianate architecture, Gothic revival architecture, Queen Anne architecture, mansard style, folk Victorian, Victorian stick architecture, Richardsonian Romanesque architecture or the Victorian shingle architecture, all of them used in some way of the other during the Victorian period.

The architect used to design the houses while keeping in mind all these styles. You must be remembering the Tudor style of houses. I must tell you that the stones and the bricks were widely used during the Victorian period. The use of the woods was minimized.

It is not so that the wood was not used but its uses were minimized. The stones like marbles and granite were very commonly used.

There used to be the lush outfields around the Victorian houses and the bushes were widely used. The ornate fencing was preferred during this period and the extensive flower beads were used to decorate the house.

As far as the designs of the Victorian houses were concerned, you cannot really say that which style it followed. In fact they were the mixture of all the old architectures which I have listed above.

If you want to build your own Victorian house then you will not have to do anything new. In fact you will have to meet an architect at first. The second step will be to express your feelings about the house to the architect and let him know that you want to build a Victorian style of home. You can give the company to your architect through out the period during which he will prepare your design. In this way you will be able to design the house of your choice.

You must know that the architects most probably have the idea about each kind of old architecture. Once your design is ready, you can meet your contractor and start the building of your house. All your masonry work would be finished by the time less than a month and then you can start the furnishing of your house. And yes do not forget to use the Victorian style of furniture.

Doll houses have been well-loved toys by little girls for decades. Your daughters can take on the role of running a household and all the tasks that go with it, tailoring the situation to their own whims. Creativity is developed in a delightful way.

Luckily today, there are many styles and sizes of doll houses on the market. One of the most popular is the classic Victorian doll house. The Victorian era, with the elegance of design and furnishings, seems to attract even adult collectors and buyers. So it is not unusual for children to be drawn to the charm of this time in history.

If you choose a Victorian doll house for your daughter, make sure it displays the style of the time. Victorian houses were decorative down to the detail, with what we call "gingerbread" on the woodwork and even on the outside of the house. Embroidered scarves and crocheted doilies graced the furniture. Flowered and striped wallpaper lined the walls. Lampshades had beads or fringe hanging from the edges.

A very important room in the Victorian home was the parlor. This is where guests were entertained. A focal point of the parlor was the piano, because this was popular at the time. It was common for the lady of the house to play the piano to entertain the guests, and sometimes the visitors would gather around and sing as she played. Pianos were so common to the room that they even decorated the backs of them with beautiful drape-like material.

A library was another facet of the Victorian home. This room in the doll house could contain miniature bookcases with tiny books in them. A desk and some elegant chairs would fit here nicely. A big fireplace would be in this room and probably in all of the rooms.

There should be a spacious kitchen and dining room to seat the members of a large family of dolls. Curved staircases leading to the second and even third floors may be in the doll house. Turrets and towers can add a fun secret area for the dolls to play in. The second floor of the house would have bedrooms and a nursery and possibly a separate playroom.

The outside of the doll house may have a big wrap-around porch with a rocker and a swing.

Before furnishing the doll house, you may want to get a book from the library on Victorian homes. You and your daughter can spend enjoyable time together looking at the interior and exterior pictures of homes from that era, and even reading about the lifestyles.

For ideas and tips on homemaking, cooking, crafts, family life, gardening, and family history, visit http://www.oldfashionedhomemaking.com. Or if you prefer a nostalgic stroll back to the turn-of-the-century [http://www.thevintagehome.org] is a growing library of information and illustrations. Learn how our ancestors kept house, cooked, raised children, celebrated holidays and weddings, quilted, decorated, had tea parties, and much more.

Many people consider Victorian as a style, but this is not true. From 1835 and 1900 there were many architecture styles and 'Victorian' architecture encompasses them all. There are common things to look out for, but with the mixture of styles used it is difficult to say it is a particular style. Motifs from Classical and Gothic appearance are used on buildings made of brick. stone and timber are the most common points to look for.

Around Ontario, if you would like to see lots of Victorian structures then you need to look at the houses. Whether it was a vast farm in the country, a little worker's cottage or a town house in a growing urban centre like Toronto, the residences could show off good solid craftsmanship and decorative touches. Making a home look great with artistic swirls, patterns and an eye for detail is what the Victorian house builder did well. This led to criticism by a couple of European factions who thought the styles to be needlessly cluttered and complex. The end result melded together well, regardless of the fact that there were completely distinct architectural styles over the years.

The Cabbagetown Victorians are born

Unlike in today's subdivisions where multiple homes are built by the same builder in not-too-subtle variations on the same idea, the builders of what was Toronto's first suburb were a very eclectic and imaginative bunch. To start with, builders wanted land and that was found north of Queen and west of Parliament, where areas had been cleared in the 1830's for farming. Called park lots, these empty plots of land became the residences of notable York (now called Toronto) officials.

In Cabbagetown the initial pieces of Toronto Victorian homes were farm houses as well as a couple of cottages. Land split into a grid method of streets by John Howard, were the first building lots to be marketed in 1845. The narrow pieces of land of only 15 to 20 foot in width, made the most reasonable home the terraced (row or attached homes). But a more extravagant early Victorian example is Allandale, the house at 241 Sherbourne Street. Enoch Turner, brewer and philanthropist, had the home built in 1848 and it boasts a generous rustic front porch, decorative two-toned brick work with a lovely ornate trim; this house is far wider than other properties on the street. This property is not the only example of early Victorian construction in the area; 424 Ontario Street with its gingerbread trim threatening to eclipse the delicacy of the design, is certainly worth having a look at.

Miniature buildings are an excellent way of showcasing your creativity. Many people use this avenue to channelize their creative instincts. As it is, miniature houses have long been associated with the festival of Christmas. The tradition of making miniature buildings and villages are believed to have been started from Pennsylvania Dutch. Since then the tradition has gained popularity worldwide.

As it is, if you wish to celebrate your Christmas with miniature Victorian houses, then the following are some of the things which you can do:

Go through catalogs as well as online sites, which provide information in regard to miniature houses. You would be furnished with a lot of information in this regard. Search for the appropriate style of housing, or the backdrop, which you would like in your miniature construction. Try out different lay-outs and select the one, which you find the best.

After you have selected the layout and the backdrop, it is time to start with the job. First of all, prepare a foundation, with the help of hard board, wooden planks, or Styrofoam. You may use old boxes or planks which are not in use, for this purpose. In case you are not available with any of these, then you can buy hardboard from the market.

Now, after you have the platform ready, take a few old matchboxes, cereal box, oatmeal tins, ice cream containers or medicine cartons and cut them with the help of scissors, or a sharp knife, in different shapes and sizes. Cut holes so as to resemble doors and windows. You can make Main Street houses, or large villas, farmhouses, or bungalows. You can also make medieval towers. The best way, is to draw a picture of Victorian house on the hardboard and cut them in the same shapes. After this, take some glue and stick these pieces from all sides, in the shape of Victorian buildings.

You can get a scrapbook aisle from a local craft store. These aisles cover brick, gravel and or cobbled stone patterns. You can measure and cut them, for making the sides of the buildings, or the layouts of the walkway.

Now, spread out old newspapers and put the miniature Victorian platform in center. After this, get some paint and paint the platform.

Now, gather some twigs, sticks and old pencils and use them for making trees or gardens, depending upon what look are you aiming at. Get some gesso and use it for creating the appearance of snow.

Rectangular Pool Houses

Rectangular Pool Houses

Are you planning to get yourself an above ground swimming pool? Are you already checking out local swimming pool shops? You may have trouble finding a rectangular swimming pool and only find circular ones. If you have this trouble, this article is for you. Find out how to get a rectangular above ground swimming pool for your own home.

Looking around different shops, one will notice that the majority of above ground pools available offline are in rounded or circular shape. But this is not the demand of most people. A lot of people prefer to have a rectangular swimming pool. Just take a look at most of the in-ground swimming pools. Most of these pools are in rectangular shape. There are a number of good reasons why this is so.

Do you wonder why shape is so important with your choice of your pool? There are valid points why one would choose a pool with squared off corners.


One of the most common considerations when choosing a pool is the shape of the property. Because most owners of houses have a smaller piece of real estate, a rectangular pool is ideal because it will fit perfectly to the small and rectangular space.

Everyone likes to have the opportunity to enjoy the summer heat while dipping in the pool. But not every day has the space to accommodate a circular pool. Considering that most people have relatively smaller spaces, makers of above ground swimming pools should make available rectangular-shaped models.

Swimming Laps and Volleyball

The shape of property is not the only consideration when deciding the shape of the pool. If you want to have swimming laps, then a rectangular pool is the best for this purpose. If you desire to play volleyball in the water, then the ideal shape to choose is also the rectangular pool.


Most people find that squared off appearance for in-ground pools are more attractive. Hence, more people choose the squared off shape for aesthetic appeal.


Most people have a trouble finding above ground pools for their house. If you are struggling to find a rectangular pool for your home, then you should understand that they do exist. All you have to do is find them in the right places. The best tip is to find them in the net through online shopping. They are present all over the internet and they often include a free shipping bonus. Try looking online and you will surely find the best selections for your needs.

Swimming pools are places where people love to relax in and by. The different swimming pools that you will find are a sign of how people want to have these swimming pools fitting in with their lifestyles. The swimming pool designs that are available will have the advantage of showcasing your entire home.

When you looking at the different swimming pool designs you will find that some of the swimming pools are made from concrete and others are made from fiberglass. The different manufacturers of swimming pools will be able to provide you with the designs that you will love swimming around in.

You will find that there are many different swimming pool designs that you can look at. These shapes are mostly the current favorites with customers. You will have seen the usual swimming pool shapes such as rectangular pool and elongated oval shaped pools. There are also swimming pools which have a Jacuzzi or a child's bathing pool attached to the side of the pool.

These types of swimming pool designs are basically the norm. There are other shapes which you will find. For instance you can have your pool installed as a kidney bean shape. There are also some people who like to have long narrow lap pool so that they can swim various amounts of laps. These narrow swimming pools are fantastic for exercising the body and getting into training.

You will also find unusual swimming pool designs like that of a wave shaped pool. A pool which has round edges to the rectangular shape of the swimming pool is also one that you can see in many homes. And finally you can have fun swimming or just splashing around in a round pool shape.

With all of these swimming pool designs there is one item which needs to be mentioned. This is the amount of space which can be used for the placement of the pool. This space will be determined by the indoor or outdoor option which you can take. In the indoor swimming pool designs you will need to ensure adequate space to walk around the pool and also for the cleaning of the pool.

Having a place to relax is another factor which should be taken into consideration when the pool is first being designed. These factors will for the most part be applicable to outdoor swimming pools. These however can be stretched with the outdoor swimming pool designs.

When you are contracting a pool construction company, make sure that you see the entire range of swimming pool designs which can be designed by this company. This will make your decision process easier and quicker.

Like everything around us, the concept of the swimming pool design too is undergoing major changes. From being a rectangular pool of water it has evolved into a style statement. A swimming pool in the house is an extension of the owner's personality, while at the hotels and resorts it exhibits the standards of luxury available.

Aesthetics: The swimming pool shapes are no longer restricted to the boring rectangles. They come in many shapes like circles, oval, oblong, figure of eight, or just any fancy shape. The colour of the tiles being used too includes a myriad hue of blues and greens. Some artists have lent their creativity and made breath taking murals and mosaics based on related subjects like mermaids, the underwater scenery, fishes and other aquatic animals, or simply the waves of the seas.

Many people are getting the swimming pool designs customized to suit their tastes and lifestyles. These modern swimming pools can include temperature controls, hot and cold pools, Jacuzzi, a children's pool or even a bar! The edges too are unique. They could be merging with the water or have steps leading into the water.

Landscaping: Another concept which has helped revolutionize the swimming pool design is the use of landscaping around the swimming pool. The greenery surrounding the poolside has made the experience of swimming more soothing, relaxing and brought us closer to nature. While designer swimming pools with their lush green surroundings, cascading waterfalls, and colorful mosaics have brought a breath of fresh air to the whole concept, these luxuries can cost a lot.

Fitments and Aids: The market is flooded with an amazing array of state of the art fittings and support equipments for the swimming pools. Fancy lights, water jets, musical fountains, temperature controls and automatic filtration units. Comfortable deck chairs, colorful umbrellas, inflatable floats, all add to making the pool-side experience unforgettable.

The equipments available for updating the swimming pool designs in the markets cater to all pocket sizes. The high standards of quality control ensure the products are worth the money spent. The maintenance of the swimming pools too is no longer a tedious, back breaking routine. The scientifically designed tiles are easy to clean and maintain. Tiles made of glass, mosaic or ceramic are available in different shapes, sizes and colors.

Conclusion: The swimming pool design may have undergone noticeable changes, what will never change are the fun times spent by the pool side. The happy memories will always remain deeply cherished.

Different people have different taste with regard to the construction of the house. Some would like it small and compact so that it is easy to maintain whereas some others will want it big and grand. It is true that a single feature or addition could add a whole new look to the house. Swimming pool is one such addition to a house that can change the entire look of the house. Many people would like to have a swimming pool in their house as it adds a sophisticated look to the house. You need to make proper plans if you choose to build a house with a pool.

Make a proper decision as to the location of the pool in your house. Keep in mind that the location should give you sufficient privacy and safety. So pay attention to it before you plan to build a pool. You may have to build a small change room near the pool. Yet another important aspect that you need to keep in mind is the maintenance of the pool. The pool needs to be maintained well and kept clean otherwise it may affect the entire look to the house.

Also when planning for a house with a pool, care should be taken to provide a good layout and design to the area of the pool. This will ensure that your house looks stylish and elegant along the poolside giving it the best of looks to the entire stretch. The water in the pool need to be changed regularly otherwise possibilities are there for disease to spread from the contaminated water. You can make the pool look attractive by pitting it in a different kind of pattern and layout gets along well with the design and layout of the house. Choose the best plan for a wonderful look.

Pool pavers are a popular material for creating decks and patios around the pool. The three primary materials that pavers come in are stone, cement and brick. Stone pavers are a natural material, so these pavers traditionally come in a rectangle shape. Since brick and cement pavers are manmade, you can find pavers in different shapes that allow you to create the design or look you want. Square and rectangular pavers are the best choice for pool pavers because these pavers have smooth edges and textured surfaces.

Other shapes include:

• Oblong
• Octagon
• Triangle
• Zigzag
• Pentagon
• Rectangular
• Squared
• Diamond
• Hexagon
• Oval

Patterns and Shapes

The shape of the paver affects the pattern you can create. A paver shaped like a zigzag, for example, can create an interlocking pattern. Square pavers, on the other hand, create a side-by-side pattern. Traditionally, pool patterns include square and rectangular pavers to sit side-by-side, but you can also turn the square and rectangular pavers at an angle to create a diamond pattern.

Irregular Shapes and Patterns

In addition to the pattern you create with pavers on the deck around the pool, you can also create irregular shapes and patterns for other areas around the pool. For example, you can use irregular shaped pavers to create steppingstones as the entrance to the pool deck or patio. Irregular shapes, such as stone pavers, can create a decorative look, such as to surround flowerbeds or create small walls to separate one area of the yard from another.

Combining Shapes

You can also combine different shaped pavers to add a different design effect. Combining different shapes of pavers allows you to create unique designs that set your outdoor design and décor apart from the neighbors and other people you know.

Some of the common shape combinations include:

• Square and rectangular
• Diamond and square
• Triangular and circular
• Pentagon and octagon
• Oblong and zigzag

Pool pavers make an ideal material for creating decks and patios around the pool area of your home. You can find pavers in different shapes, sizes and materials to create the design effect you want.

Versatile Flooring Inc. brings over 30 years of combined experience in providing quality floor installation and kitchen and bathroom remodeling to South Florida. We are dedicated to providing skilled work and superior customer service to each client we have the privilege of serving. Your house is your home and we enjoy creating floors, kitchens and bathrooms you're proud to share with your friends and family.



If you're interested in some famous champagne brands make yourself comfy and continue reading more. We've pulled together useful data about famous champagne brands and the most expensive champagne.

For those who forgot, Champagne is an area near Reims, France, where the noble drink has been created. Here, several centuries ago, the Benedictine monk, Dom Perignon had contributed a great deal in developing the champagne. Nowadays, Dom Perignon is one of the most illustrious houses of champagne and it became famous only after the First World War when Moet and Chandon launched it on the market as a newborn vintage champagne. Moet was among the first suppliers for the Royal Court. This champagne house catered champagne for Queen Elizabeth II and Napoleon I.

Bollinger is another famous champagne house popular for its vintage Blanc de Noirs. The brand became famous after the expansion set by a woman named Lilly Bollinger. Her mission was to make this champagne house famous.

Considered along with Dom Perignon and other legendary houses as crown jewels, Krug is one of the best champagne brands in the history. It has a very recognizable savor because it's made with a complete barrel fermentation and it's a sec wine.

The most expensive champagne in the world was a Piper-Heidsieck. Every morning Marilyn Monroe would drink a glass of this particular champagne brand. The most expensive bottle was the Shipwrecked 1907 Heidsieck, and costed the impressive sum of $275,000.

The oldest champagne ever opened was a Perrier-Jouët (vintage 1825). Two years ago, in 2009 they opened it. This famous house produces 3,000,000 bottles annually. The production is just a bit smaller from the 3.2 million bottles per year produced by Louis Roederer, which is another great champagne brand known for its production of non-vintage blend of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in 2:1 proportion.

The Champagne region is filled with legendary champagne houses, some other of these are Gosset, Duval Leroy, Taittinger, Henriot, Pol Roger. However, nowadays champagne is been created in different parts of the world too, only it's not legal to brand it "Champagne", and yet they use the same method of making it. In Italy we have the famous Prosecco and it's become notable as the main ingredient in the Bellini cocktail.

The champagne tradition remains in France and if you have the chance to toast one of the most expensive champagnes you can consider yourself a lucky human being.

Whether you are a first time home buyer or looking for a second vacation house or estate, purchasing a property is an important decision that needs to be thoroughly contemplated and researched before arriving at a conclusion. Buying a house or a property within your estimated budget is another crucial aspect to consider along with the location and surroundings of the area.

Location is one of the most important aspects that need to be considered before buying a home. The Thornhill community of the Greater Toronto Area of Southern Ontario, Canada is one of the most beautiful and divine locations one can find for getting a residence at. It is located at the Northern border of the city of Toronto and spreads across the town of Markham and the city of Vaughan. Thornhill is among the premiere residence locations of Canada that has an extensive offering of plush and comfortable houses and condos along with grand Thornhill estates.

Incorporating new and innovative expansion plans, the small township of Thornhill has reshaped itself into a vast and thriving community that has some of the best in contemporary and vital amenities such as schools, healthcare and basic infrastructure. Its robust residential market has a huge range of Thornhill houses and estates on offer. You can also find a number of great Thornhill townhouses that have a rather appealing outlook. Some of them are newer too.

Most of Thornhill houses have been built 25-30 years ago while some townhouses and custom build homes are much younger - somewhere between 10 to 15 years old (as of 2011). When buying a house factors such as distance from children's school or shopping complexes also be kept under consideration. Thornhill not only has a great schooling system comprising of highly rated by Fraser Institute various public and private schools but also has a number of illustrious shopping places such as the Promenade mall.

When it comes to houses for sale Thornhill has an enticing range of properties including condos and new condo Thornhill that offer the very best in modern and comfortable living. The entire neighborhood of Thornhill is quite safe and secure, making it among the few best places to start a family. No matter what type of property you may be considering to buy, just make sure to go over the history and legalities of the property beforehand with a reputable real estate broker.

Timber has been used as a construction material in buildings in the UK since the Neolithic period. Some of the oldest timber houses in Europe are found in England and Scotland, and the earliest timber framed buildings existing in the UK today date back to the 13th century. This goes to show just how durable this construction method is.

Despite going out of fashion in recent centuries, timber has seen something of a revival in modern times despite advances in other forms of building techniques, demonstrating the enduring popularity of timber frame houses.

Early Timber Building Techniques

When timber framed houses were first constructed in the UK back in the 12th and 13th centuries, lap jointing was the most common technique, but this was soon followed by the far stronger mortise-and-tenon joint which created a solid and durable frame.

As the centuries went on, other timber construction methods became common, including box frame construction and cruck construction, with box frame construction more common in the UK.

Another technique which became very popular was jettying, where the floor space on upper floors was extended beyond the external walls. Sometimes more than one floor was added using jettying, leading to houses where the top floors reached right over into the street. A good place to see this is in The Shambles in York.

The Waning Popularity of Timber

During the 16th century timber became harder to find in the UK as it was used increasingly for ships and fuel. Up until the 18th century, most buildings remained timber framed, but it became less fashionable over the following centuries, and often the timber was covered up with plaster.

The Modern Timber Revival

Timber framed houses saw something of a revival in the 1970s in the UK as well as in the USA and Canada where more affordable mass-produced techniques became common. However, in the UK at least, the techniques were initially lacking in quality.

The timber was usually a poor quality softwood with minimal structural integrity, the frame was erected quickly with an external brick skin and overall the final product was poor and had a low quality feel to it. This differed from some other countries where timber framed buildings were still popular, one of which was Sweden.

Swedish Superiority

Timber framed buildings remained popular in Sweden over the centuries, and over the past 50 years Swedish craftsmen honed their skills in constructing timber houses. One of the reasons for the higher quality was down to the significant differences between how the Swedes and Scandinavians delivered timber buildings compared to the British process.

First and foremost, they used a high-quality lumber. In Sweden, the timber used was slow grown for over 50 years compared to the UK where timber was fast grown over 25 years. This had a considerable impact upon the structural integrity of the base product.

In Sweden craftsmen also tended to build wall panels, starting with the window and building a frame around it, as opposed to walls with openings for windows. This meant that each panel had full thermal integrity with a factory finish.

In contrast, in the UK it was more common to find lightweight frames with openings for windows which were then erected on site and the windows were fitted retrospectively. This made the junction between the windows and the frame a weak part of the overall building.

Improvements in UK Timber Buildings

Whilst the 70s trend towards timber framed structures in the UK caused considerable damage to its reputation, we are now seeing something of a renaissance in the market place. Timber framing is now regularly used for the construction of care homes, hotels and other buildings. In some cases it is also used in housing and generally provides a better level of environmental performance because it is an eco-friendly technique which is known for its energy efficiency.

Several UK companies have now chosen to adopt many of the skills of the Scandinavians and are developing timber houses with exceptional environmental performance and sustainability. These buildings can last for over 50 years provided they are well maintained during their lifetime. As long as the right techniques are used, timber is likely to remain a popular and highly-effective building material in the UK for many years to come.

When searching for a home for the first time, many potential buyers resort to the old real estate standby, the open house. The prospect of just showing up at a home to look it over is attractive and a low-stress, low commitment way to begin looking for a home. Just cut out the little map that is printed in the newspaper, jump into the car and away you go. Depending on how far apart your neighborhoods are, you can see a good number of them in the span of an afternoon.

But just looking for current open houses in your area may NOT be the best way to begin your housing search. Ask any experienced real estate agent and he or she will tell you if they being truthful, that very few homes actually sell as a result of an open house. Most agents recognize that open houses are done for two reasons: 1. to please the seller and 2. so the listing agent can pick up some buyer clients.

Sellers like to see open houses so they can see that their agent is working for them, but in reality, open houses are not really that effective a marketing tool. Now there is always going to be the exception, but in general, it is true that open houses don't really sell homes.

For you as a buyer however, it may make sense to visit a few open houses just to see what is available in the neighborhoods that you desire. You will also get the opportunity to meet a few real estate agents, and you can get your initial impression of them at the open house - note how the agent conducts his or herself. Is he/she attentive, pushy, or indifferent?

A better way to begin your home search than just finding current open houses - is to actually do some research on the areas where you would like to move. Check out the schools, amenities and talk to your relatives and friends that may be familiar with the area. By doing this in advance, you can weed out lots of wasted time looking at homes in areas that don't meet your needs.

Also, do an inventory of your needs: will you need 3 or 4 bedrooms? Need extra baths? How about home office, play areas or extra garage storage? If you know in advance what you really need in a home, it will make it easier to make a non-emotional decision when time to make the offer.

In all cases, it is wise to place your trust with an experienced Realtor© who can guide you through the buying process. When interviewing an agent, choose the one that takes the time to actually listen to your needs. Avoid the agents that just harp on about their own listings.

Buying a home is the largest investment you will make. You would not likely buy an expensive camera without some professional advice - but you would be surprised how many buyers will dive into buying a home without a pro backing them up.

The most important resource to successfully flip a house is time. That being said, using time wisely is key. This is true for any business, and is of utmost importance in the business of house flipping. So what does this have to do with an agent open house and whether or not it works? More on that in a moment. First, let's find out exactly what house flip tips we are discussing.

Agent open houses (sometimes called "brokers opens" or "realtor caravans") are when the listing agent for a particular house invites other agents to come and "preview" the house. These are typically held during the work week. This is a great way for agents to see what is currently available on the market to sell. But is holding one actually worthwhile? Let's take a closer look.

For a buyers agent who has buyers looking in a specific area, attending an agent open house can be beneficial. Not only does the buyers agent see exactly what is being offered for sale in the target area, but they also see the types of finishes and current pricing offered. Once these facts are communicated to their buyers, the buyers can make more informed decisions.

Another benefit is the ability for buyers agents to network with the selling agent and the other agents attending. Networking, although an overly used and abused term, can be one of the most rewarding house flipping tips if the agents attending are smart about who they meet. The more agents you network with, the more deals you are likely to encounter. This also, however, is a double edged sword that brings us to the down sides of holding and agent open house.

Networking is a downside of agent open houses - wait, didn't we just say that it is a benefit? Yes, its actually both. Many agents have been known to attend open houses just to have something to do in the middle of the week. Or, some will attend just to get a free gift or prize (or lunch!). A few agents interviewed for this article actually tout the idea that none of the agents attending actually ever do deals! Now, this is not a complete truth because I personally know several agents who do deals AND attend agent open houses. They can and do turn up their share of tire kickers.

Is anyone actually flipping houses through an agent open house? The answer is yes although it is rare. The reason it is rare is that once a listing is published, then buyers agents will usually know about it before the open house is held. Savvy buyers agents know that if they have a house that comes available, and it perfectly matches the criteria that their buyer is looking for, then they will jump on it immediately. A buyers agent won't wait until the open house is held to then decide if they should then show the perfect house to their buyer.

In summary, agent open houses can be beneficial and can assist in discovering how to flip a house fast. Don't confuse this with "they will sell your home" because that is not usually the case - directly anyway. They can, however, help you grow your house flipping network and can grow attention to your current listings. This really can be a benefit a house flipper and is why holding an agent open house will ultimately help you flip more houses.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Home Interior New Designs

Featured Article

Hooked on Bedroom Remodels

You might think that a professional designer has all the answers when it comes to creating the perfect bedroom design for you and your home.

Master Bedroom Suite: Create a Restful Retreat

As life's pace quickens, people are finding it more critical to build time into their lives for rest. But rest has never been a more elusive goal. The lines between work and home are fading, with many people doing substantial portions of their work at home. In fact, with nearly everyone bringing home some work these days, the home has lost its status as a sanctuary.

Vacations can be restorative but don't come often enough to sustain us. We need a place where we can detach ourselves from the tasks of life on a daily basis. As a result, people are increasingly embracing the concept of the master bedroom suite. Master bedrooms have been around as long as houses, but master bedroom suites are a relatively new concept.

Essentially, a master bedroom suite is a home within a home. It's a refuge where one can enjoy a space free of the many demands of modern living. It's an inner sanctum, cut off from the clutching hands of ongoing external responsibilities. It's a hideout for finding peace.

Master bedroom suites come in many shapes and sizes, as unique as the lives they are designed to insulate. Most are designed to support three aspects of life:

  • Daily personal routines
  • Rest and relaxation
  • Romance

Prior to the construction of a master bedroom suite, it's not unusual for one partner to keep clothes in a closet in another room entirely. Not only do most master bedroom suites include his and hers closets, they also tend to allow much more closet space per person. In part, this is because today's wardrobes are more extensive and in part, this is because people don't want to spend their precious time hunting for clothes. A well-designed closet allows you to scan your options quickly and grab what you need.

In fact, saving time on personal routines is one of the main payoffs of a well-designed master bedroom suite. Saving 10 minutes a day may not seem like much, but over the course of a year, it adds up to more than 60 hours! Who couldn't use an extra 60 hours?

Remodel for Daily Personal Routines

Most people have one routine they go through every morning and another routine they go through every night. The routines include things like shaving, taking a shower, brushing teeth, getting dressed, and applying make-up. In most households, two people are doing these things simultaneously. Inevitably, this causes friction. Or, at the very least, it requires a couple to choreograph their routines in order to minimize conflict.

For many people, the main reason for a master bedroom suite is to get rid of the friction and the rigid coordination of routines. By duplicating various facilities, each person is free to vary the approach to these routines. If one wants to take a little longer in the shower, it doesn't cause the other to miss breakfast. If one needs ten more minutes of sleep, he can make up the time by speeding up his own routine without adversely affecting the other.

The two most common facilities that are duplicated are bathroom sinks and bedroom closets. But homeowners are also increasingly duplicating showers, toilets, vanities and dressing areas.

Click this link if you want to remodel a master bedroom suite.

Wrought Iron Chandeliers: Heavy-Duty Lighting

The look and feel of a chandelier gives any room a sense of luxury and history. They have been used for centuries to light some of the most elegant settings.

Design Gallery

Browse different types of project photos to gather ideas about your next project. Each project has a description and details that outline the steps and materials needed to get a similar look in your home.

Articles & Advice

Read about ideas for your next project or study
up on basics about how your home works, so
that you can speak with a contractor about what
you want done.

Remodel for Rest and Relaxation

Many people would like to allocate an extra 60 hours to rest. To create a more restful atmosphere, people are outfitting their master bedrooms with everything from comfortable reading chairs to entertainment systems. Some people go as far as installing a wet-bar or mini-kitchen. Even a simple coffee maker can help stretch out a lazy weekend morning.

For those who would rather clear their minds with some intense exercise, it's become popular to include a workout room in the suite. That way, when you're finished with your aerobics or weight lifting, you can hop right into the shower.

Remodel for Romance

Showers are changing, too. Many people are building larger showers with more than one showerhead, affording couples a few more minutes of quality time each day. Even more popular than showers-for-two are tubs-for-two. Indeed, large deep tubs equipped with soothing jets are the crowning jewels of many a master bedroom suite.

With a larger master bedroom, people are opting for larger beds, with king-size beds becoming much more common. On either side of the bed, you're likely to find separate alarm clocks, phones and reading lights.

In the multi-purpose, modern master bedroom suite, lighting becomes more critical in general. To accommodate everything from reading to romance, people are installing several different types of lights that can be used separately or in combination.

Bigger windows and skylights are also being installed to provide showers of natural light from both the sun and the moon.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Single House

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