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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mobile and Baldwin County Real Estate Markets doing better than State Averages

I came across an article from the Birmingham Herald newspaper this morning. The story reported statistics from the University of Alabama Real Estate Center. According to the Real Estate Center, home sales across Alabama increased 14 percent in May compared to the prior month. Sales last month, however, fell 22 percent compared to a year ago. In Mobile County the number of sales increased 20% over the numbers reported in April and the decrease in the number of sales from last year was only 7%. In Baldwin County, the May number of sales increased 26% from April and the decrease was 16% for the year.

Other statistics from the Real Estate Center for May:

  • 4,569 homes sold across Alabama
  • Median sales prices rose 1 percent to $130,724 from a year ago
  • Average selling price rose 4 percent to $165,428.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Mobile County Commission Responds to GAO Decision

The following statement was released after the GAO decision on the Boeing complaint:

We respect the GAO’s work in analyzing the Air Force's tanker acquisition process. We continue to believe that Northrop Grumman offered the most modern and capable tanker for our men and women in uniform.

Our outlook is still positive. Mobile County will continue to move forward to build the best plane for our servicemen and women. We are confident that ultimately the KC-45 will be built in Mobile.

For more information click here to visit Keep our Tanker Website

Thursday, June 19, 2008

red_dino_go_crazy emo hair photostream

emo girl picture
emogirl hairstyles

A really nice set of emo girl hairstyles at flickr. Check it out! ^_^
GAO sides with Boeing on Tanker Project

It was very disappointing news that the Government Accounting Office agreed with Boeing that there were flaws in the bidding process that awarded a contract to Northrop Grummann/EADS to replace the aging refueling tankers in the Air Force fleet.

There is some uncertainty of what the future holds. The Air Force could rebid the process, which means it could take another year to decide where and who would be building the airplanes. The Air Force could decide that the tankers need to be replaced as soon as possible and start the manufacturing process in Mobile. It is believe though that Congress would vote to withhold funding if this scenario is to occur.

Northrop Grumman/EADS will release a statement after reviewing the GAO's findings.

Our local leaders though say that the fight as just begun to keep the tanker project. Here are a few quotes:

Governer Bob Riley: "It's important to note that the GAO did not make a judgment on the aircraft put forward by either company but on the process. We continue to believe Northrop-Grumman's tanker is the superior product for our warfighters. If the selection process needs to be redone, then I hope it's done quickly, and, I'm still confident the Northrop-Grumman tanker will win again. What's most important is that the best aircraft be chosen for those who serve in our military and that political decisions never be allowed in the military's selection process."

Congressman Jo Bonner released this statement - “I am obviously deeply disappointed – and surprised – that the GAO sustained Boeing’s protest of the Air Force’s decision to select Northrop Grumman /EADS to build its new tanker. “Over the next few days, we should learn more about the GAO’s rationale for its decision as well as the Air Force’s plan to move forward.“Of note, the GAO was clear that its decision “should not be read to reflect a view as to the merits of the firms’ respective aircraft.” “Despite the uncertainty caused by the GAO ruling, a couple of things seem clear: the Air Force desperately needs a new tanker to replace a fleet nearing 50 years old, and the Air Force still believes the Northrop Grumman/EADS tanker best meets its needs. “I don’t believe this ruling signals the end of Alabama’s hopes for building tankers for the Air Force. It does mean, however, that we have more work to do. Like everyone else, I look forward to hearing from the GAO and meeting with the Air Force on how we move forward. For the sake of our airmen and women, we must find a way to do so quickly.”

"I feel comfortable with the team we have. I feel comfortable with the aircraft we have. It's just a matter of us winning again. I really don't look at that as being the end of the line, I think it's the beginning." said Mobile Mayor Sam Jones.

“It is apparent the GAO has been impacted by the public relations war that played out in the media,” said Win Hallett, president of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce. “Boeing spent millions of dollars on an advertising attack. Based on the facts of the two proposals it is clear Northrop Grumman’s KC-45 is a far superior aircraft than Boeing’s offering. Mobile is ready to press on and fight for the best tanker.”

“(This is) obviously a huge disappointment,” said Bay Haas, executive director of the Mobile Airport Authority."

“Obviously we are incredibly disappointed. Boeing has succeeded in totally misrepresenting the nature of the project. Now we must continue to fight for this program and fight for jobs for Mobile and the central Gulf Coast,” said Mobile County Commission President Stephen Nodine.

“Certainly we believe that the KC-45 is the best plane for the American taxpayers and the American military. We have to continue to fight for this program and for jobs for Mobile County,” said Mobile County Commissioner Merceria Ludgood.

“We are disappointed, of course. We still believe that Mobile and Northrop Grumman are the best for the American taxpayers and for the Air Force,” said Alabama State Port Authority Director Jimmy Lyons.

Developers come together at Developer Day in Sydney

Yesterday's Developer Day was a fantastic time for all involved, especially those who came with their geek caps on. From chats about how developers can use OpenSocial to build social apps across networks, to discussions of the Google App Engine, which provides free storage for anyone to build and scale apps on the internet, it was a day full of lively conversations and exciting possibilities.

Developers from all over Australia had the chance to mingle with one another, and talk with Googlers about how Google products can help to power their applications and online content. Lars Rasmussen, one of the creators of Google Maps, gave an introduction to our Google Web Toolkit, which helps developers to write applications more quickly and easily, while Google Australia's own Dmitri Abramov shared a few tips and tricks for the recently announced Flash Maps API. Developers also got a chance to play with the Google Earth API, announced at Google I/O a couple weeks back, and to hear about the new Android SDK, Google's open mobile platform (and see a few new Android apps demos).

Lastly, to spice things up, Google also held a speedgeeking competition to recognise some of the most creative Australian mashups of Google products and APIs. Yesterday we were proud to announce that http://www.cleancruising.com.au/ were the winners, thanks to their innovative use of multiple Google APIs, creating useful apps involving products such as Google Maps and Google Earth.

With ideas bouncing back and forth, lots of APIs and developer tools to mull over, and Googlers and developers immersed in thoughts for the future, it was great to step back and see what is possible when developers come together as a community.

An open web on which developers can build new and innovative apps is truly a beautiful thing.
Mobile and Baldwin County Real Estate Statistics

May 2008 numbers have been tabulated and reported. Activity levels have increased in both Mobile and Baldwin County. Please see the report on our Active Rain blog.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We be jammin' - Google Code Jam returns

In 776 BC, the Greeks established a competition to celebrate the potential of the competitive human spirit, and to honor the great god Zeus and the divine hero Pelops. Athletes of unmatched speed and mighty frame traveled from the far reaches of the Greek world for a chance to achieve eternal glory as champions at the Olympic games.

Coders: you have a similar chance to achieve supreme coding glory. Today, we're happy to announce that the Google Code Jam is back, and we're inviting coders from here and around the world to test their mettle, to push themselves in pursuit of the coder's ideal of excellence.

The contests are intense: you'll have two short hours to solve some fiendish algorithmic challenges. You'll read a problem, write your code, download our test cases, and tell us what you think the right answers are. If you're right, it's time to move on to another problem -- but if you're wrong, it's time to make a decision. Debug, or look for an easier challenge...?

Registration is now open, so you can find out more about the contest, and practice on some sample problems. Practice hard! If you make it to the top 500, you'll travel to the Google Sydney office for our semifinal round. If you're in the top 100, we'll fly you to our Mountain View headquarters to compete with the world's very best.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fall Out Boy

The multi-awarded and Grammy-nominated American Band “Fall Out Boy” was formed in 2001 in a suburb in Chicago, Illinois. Its current members include Patrick Stump (vocals, guitar, primary composer), Pete Wentz (bass guitar, backing vocals, primary lyricist), Joe Trohman (guitar, backing vocals), and Andy Hurley (drums, percussion). They launched their first major album in 2005 entitled From Under the Cork Tree, which has reached triple platinum status after selling over 2.5 million albums all over the USA alone. The first single Sugar We’re Goin’ Down off this album went to the top of music charts of the Billboard Hot 100 (#6) and the Pop 100 (#3). Aside from this, the band also got a Grammy Award nomination for Best New Artist in 2006. In 2007, the band released its second album entitled Infinity on High, which sold around 260,000 copies within its first week. This Ain’t a Scene, It’s an Arm’s Race, the second album’s first single, topped the charts of the Pop 100 and reached #2 at the Billboard Hot 100, ensuring another major chart success for the band.

A lot of people consider Fall Out Boy’s musical style as emo. Drawing from a plethora of musical influences in rock, pop, punk and hardcore, the band has eventually found its own distinctive place in the music industry. This they did by creating their own unique sound that is basically emo in nature. This fact is no more evident than in the lyrics of the band’s songs, which are often interspersed with irony and other literary paradoxes. Most of the band’s lyrics were written by band member Pete Wentz, who has been in the media spotlight, not just because of his relationship with singer Ashlee Simpson, but also because of his hoodies, guyliners and who would have thought he had a fashion line.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Supporting National E-Security Awareness Week

Google has a large number of initiatives to help keep you and your computer secure (many of which are detailed on our official Online Security Blog). For example:

  • In conjunction with Stop Badware.org, we place warnings in our search results for websites that our testing has determined to host or distribute badware. If you search for a site that Google has determined to be potentially dangerous, you will see a warning in the search results.

  • We offer all Australians a free collection of software (Google Pack), which contains Norton Security Scan and Spyware Doctor Starter Edition, to detect and remove viruses, worms, spyware, adware, trojans and keyloggers.

  • Our Gmail users enjoy sophisticated anti-virus scanning, as well as our well-recognised and innovative spam filters and anti-phishing measures.

  • Our enterprise security products are helping many Australian businesses keep their networks secure.

  • Our security experts regularly provide tips to avoid getting hooked by online scams.
But there's more that you can do to stay safe online, which is why we're partnering with the Australian Government for National E-security Awareness Week, from June 6-13. We share a commitment to helping you be secure online so that you can get the most out of the Internet.

The week is designed to raise awareness of the steps that you can take to keep yourself and your family secure online.

For more information, visit the Australian Government’s Stay Smart Online website. You can sign up for the new Stay Smart Online Alert Service. You’ll be sent regular emails that will alert you to the latest e-security risks, and provide useful advice for how to manage them. For more information about the types of online scams, visit Scamwatch. To learn more about how to protect yourself against identity theft, visit Protect your ID.

The online environment is constantly changing so make sure you’re keeping up to date—with your software, your passwords and the latest risks. Follow these simple steps:

1. Install, update and use your security software.
2. Use strong passwords and change them regularly (see the Official Google Blog for more info).
3. Use common sense when sharing personal information online.
4. Think before you click on email offers — if it looks too good to be true it probably is!
5. Be smart and stay informed.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

:: Shakespeare in the Alley ::

I am all for the building of a new Performing Arts Centre and I recognise the arts are a valuable component of any community. I still have to ask; why does Barrie City Council believe the Five Points to be a practical place to locate a Performing Arts Centre? Would it not benefit more by being located where there is room for dedicated parking facilities such as the Train Station or Arena sites, or the existing and soon available properties at Vespra and Innisfil Streets?
If we create even more competition for existing downtown parking for businesses that are disadvantaged already by parking limits it is going to hurt not help downtown businesses and probably cause more to move or fold.Seniors and the disabled are being ignored by council with this location choice as many won't be able to walk the one two or even more city blocks to and from their cars to the Five Points.
Doesn’t good City planning dictate that a new Performing Arts Centre should be built with consideration for future expansion as Barrie grows? The Five Points does not offer this potential.
Area businesses will gain far less benefit than anticipated from this as I think many arts related events are held in the evenings. I can’t imagine that retail shopping on Dunlop Street is a priority for arts patrons immediately before an event and certainly not afterwards when they step out onto Dunlop to see the bar crowds have taken control of the street. (There's a tragic comedy for you!)Dunlop Street’s best intended use is still retail and select service related businesses. Barrie should be doing more to encourage reputable businesses to locate down town. Barrie should encourage a market like the Mariposa Market in Orillia to locate at the Five Points. It would set the tone for downtown. We should offer incentives to our areas best existing bakeries, butcher shops, produce markets, delicatessens etc. to lour them to downtown Barrie. We would then begin to see a revitalized downtown that local residents and visitors would choose to shop in and future businesses would be anxious to be a part of. An arts centre is not going to bring even one additional person to downtown Dunlop Street on a Saturday or Sunday morning or afternoon.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An Old Farmer's Advice

I have a good friend that forwards me e-mails that always make me laugh or think a little bit. Today's e-mail was especially good. There are a few of these sayings that hit close to home and I thought that I would share. (Thanks, Bobby)

* Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
* Keep skunks and bankers and lawyers at a distance.
* Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
* A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
* Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled.
* Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.
* Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads.
* Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
* It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
* You cannot unsay a cruel word.
* Every path has a few puddles.
* When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
* The best sermons are lived, not preached.
* Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.
* Don't judge folks by their relatives.
* Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
* Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
* Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't botherin' you none.
* Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
* If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
* Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
* The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
* Always drink upstream from the herd.
* Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
* Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
* If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.
* Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.Leave the rest to God.

Monday, June 2, 2008

This just in: ABC News on Google Earth

You never know when the next breaking story might be right around the corner, but with ABC’s new Google Earth layer, you’ll get to see the news as it happens - whether it’s just around the corner, or in another corner of the globe

Today, ABC announced the launch of ABC Earth, integrating ABC content, including video, audio and text, as a layer in Google Earth. This trial launch will feature live stories (with updates every two hours), archived reports from around the world, profiles of Australian regional centres, and reports from the award-winning Foreign Correspondent.

This announcement, and the recent announcement of the RAIA’s architectural layer in Earth, both are a part of our ongoing effort to provide Australians new ways to connect with their local area and the world at large, while providing those outside Australia with new outlets to learn and explore.

With the recent launch of Google Earth 4.3, reading the news and soaring over some of Australia’s finest architecture has never been so fun and easy (and filled with sunshine). The search for new ways to see the world never ends, and we look forward to the new perspectives to come.
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