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Monday, December 31, 2007

Chicago Market Statistics - Year End 2007

"So here we are! The bubble has burst --finally! -- and it's ugly out there."

Well it's Sunday morning December 30, 2007, there's a very interesting article in the Chicago Sun-Times real estate section,written by Sally Duros. entitled Goodbye 2007, hello 2008.

The point of the article is that as bad as it is out there, things in Chicago are not near as bad as we find in California, Florida and New York. I agree with that, now on to some of the stated statistics.

"To prove a point, the latest data from Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller home price index shows home prices falling nationally in October for the 10th consecutive month, posting their largest monthly drop since early 1991. But here in Chicago, home prices dropped only 3.2% in October 2007 from October of 2006. This was less than half the record national rate of 6.7%"

Now does this mean your house has only dropped 3.2%? Unfortunately, No.

Statistics are great, they deal with what is called a "Sample" of a "Population", In this case the sample is Chicago homes out of the population of national real estate.

In Chicagoland most real estate has declined in value in the last year, some is still stable and some sub-markets may still be appreciating. The problem with a large sample is it does not zero in on your neighborhood and your property type, which may have reacted to these times in a much different way than the whole of Chicagoland.

So starting January 1, 2008, I will examine the Chicagoland real estate market at the neighborhood level. My source will be the data from the Northern Illinois Multiple Listing Service. Using this neighborhood level sample I will report on Average Sales Prices, Average Days on Market, Absorption Rate, Current Active Listings and the Number of Months of Unsold Inventory.

These detailed statistics will give you a better insight into your neighborhood, and what to expect in 2008.

Happy New Year -- and its ugly out there.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sales of New Homes -- Down!

Sales of new homes down to their lowest level in more than 12 years.

New-home sales declined 9 percent in November from October to a seasonally adjusted annual sales pace of 647,000, the Commerce Department reported Friday. That was the worst sales pace since April 1995. In the Midwest, new-home sales plunged 27.6 percent in November from October.

"I think you can classify what we are seeing in the housing market as a crash," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's "Sales and home prices are in a free fall. The downturn is intensifying."

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Twelve days of Wright for Christmas

Check out Wright in Chicagoland blog as they follow the 12 days of Frank Lloyd Wright for Christmas with photographs of Wright designed homes in Oak Park, River Forest and Chicago, Illinois.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Helmut Jahn Design in Streeterville

Appraisal on the Near North Side

This morning I had the opportunity to inspect one of the new condominiums at 600 N. Fairbanks in Chicago, Il. 60611

This 41 story building contains 212 units and was designed by Helmut Jahn architect. If you want one, better hurry as 207 units are sold already.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pros, cons of buying home in today's market

Dian Hymer offers some tips in Inman News

A slow market is perceived as an opportunity by some buyers, as it takes longer for listings to sell. The inventory of unsold listings tends to grow, giving buyers more choice than is the case in a hot seller's market when listings sell quickly.

In a high-inventory market, there are usually fewer multiple offers so buyers can cut a better deal with the seller. However, it pays to be careful about what you buy and how you finance the purchase.

A risk of buying in a slow market is that the value of what you buy might drop before it rises. Or, prices could stay flat for some time, which means that you won't build equity unless you pay down principal on your mortgage. If you should have to move during a time when prices are soft, you might not be able to sell for the amount you paid. To decrease this risk factor, don't buy for the short term.

All good things to consider in today's market.

Google vs eBay Netball Challenge: The Re-Mix

After our crushing defeat to the advanced netball forces of eBay in May, we were keen to challenge the eBayers to a rematch to prove our supremacy on the netball court.

With new team members recruited since the last event, and the will to get back our trophy, we threw down the gauntlet once more.

The big rematch took place on December 12. eBayers turned out in large numbers to support their team, including Simon Smith, eBay VP. (Simon was also kind enough to run our half-time auction of a Google Doodle signed by the Google Doodler, Dennis Hwang). In addition to the Doodle auction, we held a half-time shooting competition, with the money raised from both events (over $2000) going to the RSPCA.

The eBay team started the game hard and fast, trying to wear us down with their superior fitness. They took an early advantage of four points while we Googlers were still finding our feet.

Further into the quarter though, we made our comeback, gaining a small lead and keeping it for the rest of the game.

Finally, victory and a large shiny trophy were ours. A fitting end to 2007!

Google centre, Foxy, and eBay centre, Phuong, try intimidation tactics before the game.

Action close-up!

Wrestling the trophy back from eBay

Smiling, happy Googlers and eBayers

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fed's next move: Stop inflation or stop recession?

Who knows what will happen next, check out what Lou Barnes has to say, I am sure $95.00 oil will have its effects.

In as strange a stew of news as you'll ever see, mortgage rates have risen close to 6.25 percent, led by the 10-year T-note's leap from 3.85 percent to 4.25 percent.

Beginning two weeks ago, the financial markets began to trade on the prospects for government bailout of a fibrillating financial system. Then, yesterday, new economic data whiplashed them from preoccupation with financial failure to worry about inflation.

Last first. The data surprises: reasonably healthy retail sales for November; a full stop to the rise in new claims for unemployment insurance (i.e., no increase in layoffs); a modest 0.3 percent gain for industrial production; and awful inflation numbers. November CPI jumped 0.8 percent -- 4.3 percent year-over-year -- and the all-important "core" rate rose 0.3 percent, way out of the Fed's 2 percent annual range. $95 oil will have is effects.

"Trade on prospects for government bailouts ..." Wahazzat?!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

:: Big Bay Point Resort gets nod from OMB ::

After over three months of hearings and another month behind closed doors the Ontario Municipal Board has ruled that the Geranium Corporation may proceed with the development of the resort on lands it purchased in the Big Bay Point area that included the existing Big Bay Point Marina.

Environmental impact on Lake Simcoe was a major concern voiced by area residents and appears to be reflected in the design and site plan which has earmarked one third of the property to be zoned environmentally protected. The resort itself is being built to the high environmental standards of LEED, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program, says Geranium Corporation. Prior to this fall's provincial elections Premier Dalton McGuinty showed high interest and concern for the preservation of Lake Simcoe and introduced the Lake Simcoe Water Act to establish guidelines that will protect the water and marine life of the lake.

Even after gaining support from the province, the Township of Innisfil and its ratepayers association as well as the County of Simcoe there was still resistance from some local residents.

Geranium will contribute $10 million to extend sewer services from Alcona which will directly benefit 1600 existing home owners who will now have the option to switch from septic tanks. Additionally this project will create construction and long term jobs, new revenues for Innisfil and will stimulate further growth and increased property values in the Big Bay Point and Innisfil area.

To the many who call B.B. Point home and were happy with the way things were I can relate to your feelings. At the very least those who made their concerns known can take credit for ensuring that this project will go forward with the highest consideration for our beautiful Lake Simcoe.


First-time buyers of resale homes to benefit from new tax measure

Barrie and all Ontario first time home buyers will be pleased that the McGuinty government is giving all first-time homebuyers a break on land transfer tax by proposing to expand the Land Transfer Tax Refund Program to include purchases of resale homes, Finance Minister Dwight Duncan announced today.

"Expanding this Land Transfer Tax refund is an important part of our government's commitment to helping Ontarians buying their first home," Duncan said.

Effective midnight tonight, first-time buyers of resale homes, as well as newly constructed homes, would be eligible for a refund from the provincial government of up to $2,000 of the Land Transfer Tax paid.

The expanded Land Transfer Tax Refund Program for First-time Homebuyers is part of a package of new tax initiatives announced in the 2007 Fall Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review that would provide $1.4 billion in provincial tax relief for business and people over three years. The government is making strategic investments in people, communities and infrastructure to strengthen Ontario's economic advantage and help manufacturers and other sectors challenged by current economic conditions.

For more information please visit: http://www.gov.on.ca

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A change is as good as a holiday

With summer holidays coming up, I regret to say that we aren't slowing down - we continue to work on finding the best ways to make your experience on Google as easy and useful as possible. To this end, you might have noticed a slight change to the Google Australia homepage to help you better navigate our site and find the information you're looking for.

We have introduced a new navigation bar at the top of the page to provide easier navigation to your favorite Google products, such as Google Maps and our popular email product, Gmail.

As well as being able to use this bar to navigate to your favourite Google products, using this navigation bar, you can "drill down" to specific types of information when you search. For instance, if you search for [Great Barrier Reef], you can click on the links for "web," "images", "maps, "news", "video" and "more" (under which you can see results in books, blogs, scholarly articles and more) to immediately find more results.

This is part of our vision of consistent navigation across all Google search properties. We recognise that the search result you are looking for may not be a web page - it may be a geographic location, a news article, an image, a blog post, a video or in a book. The new navigation bar makes it easier for you to find exactly what you want with a single click of the mouse.

Hope you find the new look and feel useful and, as always, feedback is most welcome!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Blood Butterflies

Flowers in the Attic
Flowers in the Attic

Ive just bought this t-shirt from Threadless - Flowers in the Attic. Its running out of stock though as they are having a $10 sale. This shirt seems totally emo. I bought several other shirts while waiting for this one to be reprinted (it was so popular, I knew it would be eventually). Fortunately it only took two weeks before the magic reprinting notice! I'm wearing it now. One of those designs that just sticks in your mind forever. I love it so much. Visit Threadless for a bunch more wonderful tees.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Baldwin County Real Estate Statistics - November 2007

The November report of Baldwin County single family sales has been complete. If you would like to see the Mobile County report, please scroll down the blog.

Each month, we compile data for single family homes sold in Baldwin County according to the Baldwin County Association of Realtors MLS data. We do this to analyze trends in our area. The charts give the public a snapshot of the Baldwin County real estate market. The market in Baldwin County is totally different than its counterpart to the west in Mobile County. We are seeing a market that has come to a standstill. The numbers in all reporting categories are at their lowest points that they have been in the 18 months of sales analysis data.

We look at 5 areas of analysis – Number of Units Sold, the Median Sales Price of all of the homes sold, the number of Homes Available for Sale (aka inventory level), the Median Days on Market for the all of the Homes Sold, and the Absorption Rate. The absorption rate is calculated by dividing the number of available homes by the number of units sold. This calculation returns the number of months of inventory available. If no new homes were added, theoretically this is the amount of time it would take to sell all existing homes that are currently on the market. Traditionally, if the absorption rate is higher than 6 months, then the market can be considered a buyer’s market.

The number of sales has dropped to 127. This number is a huge drop off of 29% from November of 2006, which was a low number in itself. There could be a number of reasons for this downturn. Baldwin County does not have the business base that Mobile County does. Baldwin County traditionally has been a place to move up area and a destination for retirees. The cost of a home in Baldwin County is 25% higher than in Mobile County. What we are seeing, in our opinion, is that right now the public believes there is no compelling reason to buy in Baldwin County. As residents, we see many reasons to live here– close proximity to the beaches and the eastern shore of Mobile Bay, the new schools, and new shopping centers. We think the opening of the new 200 acre Spanish Fort Town Center featuring Bass Pro Shop will draw more residents to our County. Here is this month’s chart (click on the chart to see a larger view):
Baldwin County Real Estate Statistics - Homes Sold

The median sales price of a home in November 2007 was $186,000 which is down 2% from November 2006. Here is this month’s chart (click on the chart to see a larger view):

The number of Available Homes for sale has been dropping for the last few months. Truth be told there are more homes available for sale than there are buyers for those homes. Although it is great for buyers because of the greater negotiating power they have, it creates a stagnant market. There are many homes that a buyer has to sort through to find their particular bargain choice. In November 2007, there were 3238 single units for sale. In Mobile County, which has a much larger population base, there are 2991 single units for sale. These number don’t tell the whole story because in Mobile County condos are included in the single family numbers. In other words, there is an abundance of available inventory in Baldwin County. Here is this month’s chart (click on the chart to see a larger view):

The Days on Market field was 123 days for the homes that did sell. It is very important in Baldwin County that the home be priced correctly in order for it to sell. The seller will have significant competition in the market place. Here is this month’s chart (click on the chart to see a larger view):

Absorption Rate is the data element that allows the public to see the market in its truest picture. The data shows whether it is a buyers market (Absorption rate greater than 6.0) or a seller’s market. Needless to say in Baldwin County it is a buyer’s market. There is a 2 year supply of inventory. This number is at historical high levels and is very concerning. The shear amount of inventory and low number of buyers will have no choice but to affect pricing. Sellers need to understand the realities of the real estate market in Baldwin County and price their homes to entice buyers. Unlike Mobile County, where there is new industries coming in and existing businesses are expanding, there is no outside influence to Baldwin County population growth. There may be a uptick in the bedroom communities of Daphne and Spanish Fort due to the growth in Mobile County, but other areas of the county will not have a significant increase in population. There needs to be a recruitment of businesses to Baldwin County to increase the population base. Here is this month’s Absorption Rate chart (click on the chart to see a larger view):

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mobile Real Estate Statistics - November 2007

Each month, we compile data for single family homes sold in Mobile County according to the Mobile Area Association of Realtors MLS data. We do this to analyze trends in our area. The charts give the public a snapshot of our local real estate market.

We look at 5 areas of analysis – Number of Units Sold, the Median Sales Price of all of the homes sold, the number of Homes Available for Sale (aka inventory level), the Median Days on Market for the all of the Homes Sold, and the Absorption Rate. The absorption rate is calculated by dividing the number of available homes by the number of units sold. This calculation returns the number of months of inventory available. If no new homes were added, theoretically this is the amount of time it would take to sell all existing homes that are currently on the market. Traditionally, if the absorption rate is higher than 6 months, then the market can be considered a buyer’s market.

The number of units sold of 362 is 2% down from same period as last year. The trend of units sold by month is very similar this year when compared to last year just that this year’s numbers are slightly lower. Click on the chart to see a larger view.

The Median Sales Price of a home sold in Mobile County is up significantly this month. This month's value is $149,000. In fact this figure is the highest it has been over the 18 month analysis period. The median sales price of a home rose 10% compared to same period last year. Click on the chart to see a larger version.

The inventory levels in Mobile continue to be replenished. Even though the number of homes available for sale decreased this month, it is up significantly from this time last year. In fact the number of available homes is up 39%. Compared to 18 months ago, the number of available homes has doubled. Again, the Mobile market had its inventory depleted after Hurricane Katrina, so this percent increase in the number of homes is not too much a level of concern. As the inventory levels increase, buyers are given much more bargaining power. Click on the chart to see a larger view.

The Days on Market field has also shown a huge increase from the same period as last year. In fact the number of days has increased 40%. Click on the chart to see a larger view.

The Absorption Rate is at highest points in the last 18 months. As the number of homes added to inventory and the number of sales decreases, the net result will be higher absorption rates. We would expect this rate to increase in the next few months until the higher volume selling months of the Spring get here in March.
Click on the chart to get a larger view.

EMO T-Shirts

Emo, which is a shortcut for “emotional,” is an important fashion trend nowadays. Emo clothing is rooted in other fashion styles, such as goth and punk. Emo fashion is associated with dark tight-fitted clothes, with occasionally flashy accessories.

Emo t-shirts are important pieces in the closet of any emo. Emo t-shirts can be very symbolic and expressive of the person’s feelings and interests. If you want to dress like an emo, here are the basic characteristics of an emo t-shirt that you need to know.

  • Emo t-shirts are typically dark colored t-shirts. A plain black t-shirt is a favorite among emos.
  • If you are not into wearing plain dark-colored t-shirts, striped or checkered t-shirts will also do.
  • Dark colored t-shirts mixed with other colors, such as neon, can also be worn.
  • Typical designs for emo t-shirts include various ghoulish symbols, such as a skull or a broken heart.
  • Emo t-shirts may also have logos of emo bands, such as Dashboard Confessional and Hawthorne Heights, printed on them.
  • Emo t-shirts are usually slim-fitted.

Emo t-shirts are best worn with pencil-tight jeans, studded belts and oversized belt buckles, and a pair of Vans or Converse shoes. Also consider getting a pair of horn-rimmed glasses and a black messenger bag. To complete the emo look, it is advisable to get an emo haircut and put on some simple black eye make-up, such as eyeliner or eye shadow. These tips apply for both guys and girls.

Although these are the clothes commonly worn by emos, you should not be limited to these. Remember that being emo calls for a sense of creativity, individuality and non-conformity. Your clothes say a lot about who you are and what you are feeling at the moment. Be true to yourself! Be emo!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Building Commercial Aircraft at Brookley?

There was a recent story on one of the local television channels that spoke of the possibility of Commercial Airplanes being built in Mobile. There has been a buzz in our community for about two years regarding the KC-30 Refueling Plane. EADS and Northrup Grouman have teamed up to bid for the military contract to build Air Force refueling airplanes. If the companies win the bid, the planes would be built in Mobile. The contract should be rewarded early next year.
Well the latest news is that there is a possibility that some type of airplane will be build here regardless of the outcome of the military bid contract. In fact, there is a possibility of building both commercial and military aircraft here.
Here is a link to the story - http://wkrg.com/mobilesmakeover/article/building_commercial_planes_at_brookley/7809/

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Do I Make My Curly Hair look Emo?

For those who have curly hair and want to look emo, here are some tips that would somehow help you achieve the emo look. These are all taken from the comment section. Thanks to all who have taken time to write these mini guides.

Oh, wow.
This could be a lot of work, but if you are willing to be dedicated to it, then it would look awesome.
Emo guys are so hot!
Alright, first off..
I know some people are scared of it, but there is nothing wrong with the people there.
Just go. Almost every single thing in that place will make you look emo.
You don't necessarily have to wear skinny jeans. Regular jeans are ok too, as long as they are a dark color.

Ok, now for your hair.
You don't really have to dye it if you don't want because your hair is pretty dark as it is.
But you will need a straightener.. hate to say that but it's true.
Or you could get it chemically straightened, but that is like really expensive.
You might want to grow your hair out a bit, but it's not required, because emo is all about being yourself.
[Cough, cough.]
But you will need to have it straight.
Go to a stylist, or get a friend to cut it for you. You will need side bangs. Lots and lots of side bangs. And make sure they cover at least one eye.
One side of your bangs needs to be longer than the other side.
Cut the back part on top of your head kind of short and spike it up.
The best type of gel is Got-2-B-Glued.
Or, if you don't like that, you could try a faux-hawk. They are pretty cool.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. SHOES!
Oh, how I love shoes.
You will need Vans slip-ons or Converse. Or some black skate shoes like Etnies or Adios.

And the best type of hoodie for an emo guy is either a plain black one, or a band hoodie, or one that is a zip-up with, like, black and grey wide horizontal stripes.
[Like one Pete Wentz would wear.]

Here's the part where I would tell you to try to be yourself, but it's a little too late for that now.

Well good luck, I think it will look great!
I wanna know how it comes out.

By: Katie

First off all,
u have to straighten it.. its a must.
if u cant dye your hair, and u've straightened it, buy some moisturizing spray so it looks like your hair it makes your hair dark and messy. style it so it comes across your forehead at an angle then use hairspray to lock it in place.

after that, go to your hair dresser and ask him to layer the back and think it out and little but not take any length away from it.
then buy your self some hair clayy and go wild. pull your hair away from your head and then sort of twist it with your fingers and srunch it up. it gives it a reli messy spikey look. then hold that in place with hair spray. u dont have to spike it. if you dont comb it down constantly.

Becuase your hair is quite short go buy some reli huge womens sun glasses which will cover your eyes and try to pull you hair over your glasses.

Next if you cant buy any good emo-ish shirts go to like a childrens store and buy the tightest and smallest spiderman or transformer shirt u can fit into. dont worry if its a bit short and your belly is showing it just adds to the 'i'm not afraid to show my self and i dont care what u think look'

then buy some reli tight jeans and either vans old school skate shoes or slip-ons with a reli funky or childish design. if u cant the converse will have to do. Start listening to quality music like faber drive and as i lay dying ,which reli express how u feel then buy your self the bigeest head phones u can afford and have them on all the time it stops people from talking to you, and is reli anti social. Then find a tight zip up hoodie that is black, dark purple or pink. Wear your studded belt side ways also if u've got 2 put the other one on aswell.

By: Richard_died-inyourarms

The best way for me to get the emo look is to get a hair straightner and some straightening gel. If you have money to throw away, look into japanese hair straightening. Make sure to get heat protecting spray as to not fry the hair. Then for me I have to straighten twice a day so it falls flat and doesnt poof on me. Then apply palmade or clay. I should also add my hair is extremely thick so I had to get it thinned a bit as to once again so it wouldnt poof on me. My picture on thier is a month or 2 old. Ill get a new one soon.

Hey that dude with curly hair, what you should do instead of frying your hair with the irons, go to the hair salon and get a CHEMICAL straightner on it. Then you will have straight hair full stop. It's like a perm, except they make it straight instead of curly. Styling wise, I've seen your myspace. Dude it's a mess. Get it cut. You have a fairly long face, so it's best to keep your hair long all around. Get it cut just above the eyes and stop the spiking at the back. Keep it flat. It won't look like a mess. That's for the long hair look. Looking at your other pictures with your short hair, personally i think you look much better with short back and sides :P


Personally I don't think people with curly hair should bother with the emo style. If you have curly hair, you're lucky, i love the ringlets lol. Emo guys, if you want emo hair just give it about half a year to grow and go and see your hairstylest mate. If you're afraid of your hairdresser like me and cut your own hair. Here is how.

You need some basic tools first.
Scissors. Not ones you cut paper with PROPER scissors.
A Sharp Object. Maybe a blade. Prefrably a rasor, small one.

Okay the razor will be used to cut your sharp pointy fringe at an angle. Start from the left or right however you want to do it and about half way down your forehead. Cut it whatever angle you want.

Used the scissors to just trim down the sides of your hair and the top otherwise you will end up with the thickest, gayest and afrolikish hair. Not too short. Juut trimmed. Same with the back.

Comb it through and check your results. But note: USE A MIRROR and use two mirrors to cut the back of your hair.

By: The guy that is a master at cutting emo hair

Nick needs Help

Very cute Nick here needs some help. Lets help him become an emoboy. Post your thoughts on the comment section.

Hi my names Nick. I saw your advice on emo hair.
I am guessing your emo. Or whatever.
I want to look like that.
I just don't know what to do.
I don't know if this matters at all but heres my description along with pic.
I am 5'5 (short I know) i have about to my top of my eyes (when straight) brown ungodly curly hair. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. I wear hollister (not emo I know but what the heck idc its clothes) I have an awesome studded belt. I want to look emo. I also am a little like pudgy. I don't like it I want ab's. I am 14. I am NOT a kid and I know what I want.
I'd really appriciate your help.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Doodle 4 Google: The winner is...

We were thrilled on Wednesday to announce the winners of Doodle 4 Google, our initiative for young Australians to draw their own version of the Google logo around the theme of 'My Australia'.

All four age group winners were decided by the Australian public in an online vote over the past month and Dennis Hwang, the original Google Doodler, selected the overall winner from these. Dennis said, "Choosing the successful entry was not easy. I was blown away by the creativity of all the doodles and wide array of Australian imagery which was used."

The national winner was Janelle San Juan, a 12 year old student from The School of the Good Shepherd in Victoria. The title of her drawing was 'A scene of sheer formality' and among other things, incorporated the distinctive beach sheds found at Brighton Beach in Victoria. Janelle's doodle will appear on the Google Australia homepage on Australia Day 2008. Dennis noted: "Her design was both unique and at the same time instantly recognisable as being Australian. The depiction of the sun, the kangaroo sign in the outback, the bathing box at the beach and the people relaxing in the shade of the tree make this the perfect doodle for Australia Day."

Congratulations Janelle! (She also wins $10,000 of technology equipment for her school and a MacBook Pro).

The other age group winners were Clayton Rowlings from Tasmania (Years 1-3), Madeline Spooner from South Australia (Years 7-8) and Angela Jones from South Australia (Years 9-10). Brilliant job by these guys who all win an interactive whiteboard for their schools.

To acknowledge the huge achievement on the part of our 32 finalists, we brought them to Sydney from all over Australia for our grand finale. The culmination of the event was our prizegiving, when Dennis announced the overall winner.

I'm sure many of you are already familiar with the various doodles, but we'll be putting the winners up on our site in the next couple of days. And don't forget to visit the Google Australia homepage on Australia Day next year to see the winning doodle taking centre stage.

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